R | 03 October 2015 (USA)
Blackway Trailers

A young woman newly returned to her hometown becomes the subject of harassment by a man named Blackway, an ex-cop turned violent crime lord who operates with impunity in this small community on the edge of the wilderness. Forsaken by the local townspeople—and advised by the Sheriff to leave town—Lillian decides instead to take a stand against her sociopathic stalker, and enlists the help of ex-logger Lester and his laconic young sidekick.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
sljkitty It was ok. Nothing overly exciting. It should of been called Blackout because the lighting was so dark the entire movie, you could not tell what was going on. Bad.
canuckteach Film is available on Netflix, but not recommended for family entertainment. For one thing, the language is (needlessly) foul in places.. which usually means the actors can't act, or the writers can't write so they insert bad language to add an 'edge' (so-called). In this case, we have a capable cast with a mix of talent: Stiles, the able-bodied likable aide to Jason Bourne; Ray Liotta, the ex-cop turned bad in a 'stalker' role; and award-winning Hopkins, who steps up to assist dear Julia in dealing with the thug (Liotta), when no one else, including the law, will. Talent OK - hence, we can indict the scriptwriter for a mediocre effort. Example: Julia keeps saying, "I can handle this on my own - it's my problem." But... she can't. If she could, we wouldn't have a movie.The obvious answer is that Julia should have telephoned Jason Bourne -- this is his kind of fight. Instead, she joins Hopkins on a quest to track down 'Blackway', who has been harassing her. This takes quite a while, for some reason, and finally leads to a showdown on Blackways' turf, deep in the woods. How improbable is that? Why would a group of amateurs venture away from a quiet town in the wooded Pacific Northwest to confront a deranged sociopath on his own turf (because that's what the script says, I guess). I will leave the issue of why Hopkins, a major talent on the Shakespearean level, would accept such a poorly-contrived project, to someone else.As much as I like Stiles & Hopkins, if you are looking for 'sleepers' on Netflix, keep looking. This ain't one of them.
pagonaviticeps I was initially intrigued- the beginning is somewhat Stephen Kingish in the sense of it quirky characters and off beat location BUT it goes downhill rather quickly and all of the reminiscences of Mr King fly down the black way ..... Not even Sir Anthony himself can save this and we wondered if in the very last panoramic scene if Sir Anthony himself isn't pondering what the hell he has done in signing this contract. The acting is very generic and extremely predictable at best, the clichés are there and laughable, what could have been a good psychological thriller is NOT. Curiosity drew me to this film and indeed curiosity killed this cat.Blessings and Peace .
Film Watchin Fool What you can expect is a very run of the mill drama/thriller. It is predictable, methodical, and straight forward. Solid cast/acting with a mediocre plot and product.Acting/Casting: 6* - The cast is solid (Hopkins, Stiles, Liotta) and all plays their roles well. Nothing exceptional and nothing terrible. It joins the many movies out there with big names and a average product.Directing/Cinematography/Technical: 5.5* - I thought that the scenery was solid with the majority of the movie shot in a dark and dreary manner with music to match. To be honest, it was par for the course and really matches the entire package of the film.Plot/Characters: 5* - Untouchable, corrupt bad guy vs. a few fed up and wronged townspeople. The biggest suspense is tracking down Blackway, which I think speaks for itself.Entertainment Value: 5.5* - It is only marginally entertaining due to the fact that it is very predictable and void of surprises. You know what is coming, but is still makes for a solid watch.My Score: 6+5.5+5+5.5 = 22/4 = 5.5 Email your thoughts to