Black & White
Black & White
R | 07 December 1999 (USA)
Black & White Trailers

Chris O'Brien, devote Catholic and rookie cop with LAPD, is assigned to partner with the hard-edged, street-smart Nora Hugosian. A serial killer is loose, and all the victims are low-life guys whom Nora has dealt with. So, when the tire tracks of a police car are found at a murder scene, she's the prime suspect of internal affairs investigator Simon Hertzel...

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Leofwine_draca BLACK AND WHITE is a not-bad suspense thriller with a nice starring role for Gina Gershon, an actress I find extremely underrated in cinema. She gives an edgy performance as a dedicated cop who may or may not be performing some illegal extra-curricular duties as part of her job. Unfortunately the film is saddled with a dull and slightly pious main character but Gershon rules the roost and livens things up whenever she's around.The always interesting Ron Silver plays in support as a chess-playing cop superior. There's lots of sex and steamy content to give this a raunchy feel at times and the expected twist ending. As a film, BLACK AND WHITE passes the time well enough even if it isn't particularly great, which I put down to the low budget.
dromasca 'Black & White' is quite a conventional cop story. The script idea is quite interesting - a murder investigation that turns quickly in an internal police investigation involves a young (and Catholic!) cop and his sexy and more mature partner (Gina Gershon). Unfortunately, the good idea leads to a script full of logic holes (a several minutes shooting scene in a hospital at night without anybody hearing, for example!). Directing is heavy and conventional, makes the film difficult to watch, and spoils even the rather surprising final. The only reason that makes this film worth watching is Gena Gershon - she is a good actress, looks more attractive than ever - even in a cops uniform, and the role fits her perfectly. 6/10 on my personal scale.
George Parker "Black & White" tells of a tough street-wise female cop (Gershon) and her rookie nice-guy partner (Cochrane) who become embroiled in an Internal Affairs investigation when the mounting evidence in a serial killer case begins to point to Gershon. With plotholes galore, this B-flick plays out like a dime novel on film as its make-it-up-as-you-go story serves up contrivance upon contrivance. Nonetheless, Gershon's character's psychodynamics are sufficiently intriguing to make this a suitable watch for the needy sofa spud into cop flix. (C-)
rumphjr Unworthy police-story. The woman is beautiful and erotic as every man wants. We know that. Stereotype! But the story is thin. At the end he shoots the woman. Why? Bad detective work. I became angry during the movie. Young and green this way: terrible. But: Put off your clothes because of the suspense was funny and good to remember.
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