Black Plague
Black Plague
R | 10 December 2013 (USA)
Black Plague Trailers

Paranoia sets in as the Black Death strikes European villagers in the 14th century.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
r-c-s This should get more, but I can't go past 5/10. The basic structure of the movie is 'inspired' by more famous classics, notably Sergio Leone's 1.ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (remember how Charles Bronson's character is gradually introduced via short flashbacks, so in the end we learn he's come to exact revenge on Henry Fonda's character who had once killed his brother ). 2. PER QUALCHE DOLLARO IN PIU' (Lee Van Cleef's character hunts down Gian Maria Volontè's character...only in the end we learn he seeks revenge because his sister had been raped and murdered ). Remember how the link is a carillion watch the bad guy amuses himself with, which in the end we learn belonged to the departed sister?3. The mass rape as punishment for adultery also came in REVENGE with Anthony Quinn (and the old nobleman/husband IS portrayed as another "Tiburon" ).This movie basically mixes'n'matches the above plots...we get a necklace instead of a carillion watch, the flashback device and all the rest to a T with the notable exception of the medieval angle.Movies like French SECRET DEFENSE do a better job at being more cryptic. This one here aims higher than its class should allow. Historical reconstruction is good, scenes are also good, but the whole lacks something important...maybe because Leone's masterpieces sprung to my attention immediately.Of course you also get bits&pieces of NAME OF THE ROSE (=the enigma of the words on the corpses ) , MASK OF RED DEATH etc etc...again...give you the feeling of having seen all devices in an overall better product.The storyline is at times inconsequential...instead of feeling guilty for the punishment -however excessive- of a crime, people could have easily killed the 'mesmerizing stranger without a name'...but I realize that we'd have a ten minutes movie, then.Maybe the botched state of the movie explains why it was released 3 years after being produced, as some say.Won't watch it twice.
José Luis Rivera Mendoza (jluis1984) It's always great to see a film that, even when it's not a masterpiece of the genre, breaks the mold and stands high in the middle of the sea of mediocrity that average films create. Anazapta is one of those films.Set in the middle age, it's very realistic in it's portrayal of how dirty, physically and emotionally that age was. The amorality and violence of the dark ages set the tone for a film about revenge and mystery in the time of the Black Plague.A man is taken as prisoner by the inhabitants of a town. The village is suffering and needs money, and before the church takes the land, the widow of the lord of the land decides to trade the prisoner, who claims to be the son of a french nobleman in exchange of money. But the prisoner may not be who they think is, and to complicate the things, a mysterious disease similar to the plague is killing people who may be part of the mystery surrounding the prisoner.A very interesting mix of suspense, horror and mystery set in the middle-ages is what makes this film to shine. The script, although a little bit underdeveloped, still makes justice to the premise and what we have is a chilling tale that keeps the interest of the audience who is led through the horrors of the ages.Certainly, It's one of the most realistic portrayals of the middle age, it moves away from the nobility of knights and princes and shows us the harsh reality of corrupt institutions, dirty and poor villagers, and tired knights whose only ambition is to live the next day.The cast is good, and while it may not be the best acting, it's better than expected in a low-budget film. In fact, the entire film looks as if it's budget were big but in fact it's low.Maybe it's biggest flaw lays in the fact that it leaves many things unexplained, the script ends in a way that maybe will leave many people unsatisfied. I have read comments of people who could not understand the ending. I'm not sure if I understood it, but I enjoyed the film.It's a good movie about the middle ages, and it definitely deserves a look.Solid 7/10
merlin-2 Lena Headey is the perfect jewel for this mesmerizing film. She is surrounded by a great cast whose menacing and troubled characters make you shiver as if from the winter's cold. The film is bleak, brutal and thanks to Headey's seductive allure, utterly compelling. Both she and the film are more than worth the price of a ticket.
Claudio Carvalho I was curious about this movie, since the Brazilian DVD has a great mistake on the cover: makes reference to the year 1838 and the black plague. Being a fan and collector of movies, I decided to watch this movie of a story in the Middle Ages. And I found a surprisingly good, amoral and violent movie. The story actually takes place in 1328, and the first positive point to call my attention was the image of the Middle Ages town and inhabitants: poor and ignorant people, with dirty clothes, spoiled teeth, living in a dirty and muddy village. Therefore, a vision totally different from those showed in Hollywood movies, with fancy castles and villages with beautiful people. Second, it is a story of lust and revenge, very amoral and violent. The script presents the story in such a way that the viewer becomes aware of the situation at the same time as Matilda (Lena Headley), the main character. Indeed a good movie and fans of movies of Middle Ages will not be disappointed. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Anazapta"