Black Day Blue Night
Black Day Blue Night
R | 01 October 1995 (USA)
Black Day Blue Night Trailers

A wife's husband is cheating on her. She decides to go on a road trip with her husband's other woman. While driving the two women pick up a hitchhiker. The man they pick up may be a robber and murderer on the run from the cops. A policeman who is tracking the hitchhiker has a close eye on them, but the question is why?

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
merklekranz Though "Black Day Blue Night" is not on a par with "Breakdown" or "Red Rock West", it does have another fine performance by J.T. Walsh, so for his admirers, this is a must see. Like "Red Rock West", "Black Day Blue Night" is a twisted modern noir, with plenty of guitar strums further enhancing some similarity between the two films. There is ample nudity, gorgeous desert locations, and a story that under close scrutiny, doesn't always make a whole lot of sense. Scenes move rapidly, then stand motionless for gratuitous nudity, finally starting up again. Character development of the four main players is quite good, and if you can overlook some minor faults, you will not be disappointed. - MERK
modius * may contain spoilers*After a "car crash", local sherrifs discover a pile of money and the drivers deads, most of the money is marked and JT Walsh suspects a survivor is on the run and soon is on the track of him/her, Mia Sara and Michelle Forbes who form an unlikely relationship after Mia catches Michelle with her wife-beating husband.The film's locations and cinematography distract from what is a slow story and a slow movie. The two ladies in a pink cadallac decide to take on mysterious hitchhiker Gil Bellows who has the largest sideburns I've ever seen in a movie - instinctly you believe that Bellows is the survivor and his suitcase holds the remaining cash from the car crash/robbery.This is reinforced when JT walsh beats Bellows to a pulp and his sherriff buddies scare Bellows with questions about who he is and where he is going.The whole concept of the mysterious hitchhiker is soon ditched as Mia gets topless in some hot steamy waters with Bellows and after a while JT Walsh gets killed and we realise that Mia was the survivor and has the money.Again Bellows, mysterious as ever seems to disappear and reappear when the story seems necessary - for, example, when Mia's hubby returns all blacked up (why was he all blacked up, did Mia dump him in a coal mine or something?). Mia's hubby decides to "kidnap" his wife, the cadallac and the money and drives away.Bellows follows in his truck/jeep - as Mia and hubby hurtle towards a speeding train and then hits it and explodes violently.Then the sequence that really made no sense appears. Bellows, gets out of his jeep - goes over to Mia, looks at her and then RUNS exactly the same way he drove - for about 10 to 20 seconds, stops and then screams ands then carries on running....where's he running to...why did he take off his jacket for? Why didn't he just take the jeep? The ending made no sense....the rest of the film wasn't too bad and I'm sure Mia getting topless sure adds a little steam to a slow story.Overall: 3/10
bob the moo This is another road-movie style thriller. The story is not exactly gripping as it slowly moves through the desert. J.T. Walsh 's investigation into the robbery is good but the body of the film is dull. The twists at the end are quite good but the conclusion lacks a punch due to poor character development.Gil Bellows is OK in the lead but is too laid back for a role in a thriller like this - he doesn't have any mystery around him. Forbes and Sara are both quite dull and could have been played by anyone. Walsh adds undeserved class to the film but he really isn't good as he has nothing to do here.Overall, a disappointing road movie come thriller that moves slowly along before ending in a good, if unmoving, conclusion.
oliverburnett This is one of those fun entertaining thrillers. I don't want to give anything away but if your in the mood this is one of those rare gems that no one has seen. Great plot twists, Great surprises. This one will keep you guessing. Mia Sara and Michelle Forbes are awesome!