Black Cat
Black Cat
| 17 August 1991 (USA)
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Catherine is a violent and disturbed young lady who is shot down by the government in one of her escapades. She wakes up in a training facility and is taught to use weapons, combat, and is put through heavy endurance training. When she is done, she is given the code name "Black Cat". Catherine is now an assassin for the government and is very good at it but she soon finds a boyfriend and is caught between her love for him and her deal with the government

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
ebiros2 A Chinese girl who has chip implanted in her brain, and brain washed to be a perfect weapon finds herself loose in America. Much like in Rambo, she finds herself in lot of violent situation and trouble with the locals and the police, She gets picked up by the Chinese agency that did all this to her. She then continues her job as the perfect assassin, and a weapon of destruction.When I first saw this movie in the '90s, the theme seemed too far fetched. The premise of the story was too far out there for me to relate to. This caused me to lose interest in the story. But now that we know that there really is a super soldier program like this called the MK ULTRA, and it's off shoot the Monarch project conducted by the US (secret) government, I now realize that this movie was actually 15 years ahead of its time.Like in real life there is no spy like James Bond, who's so visible to the public, there is no super soldier like Hei Mao (Black Cat) in real life. So this movie is like a James Bond version of the MK ULTRA. Even the part that she has a "chip" implanted in her brain is like the real life MK ULTRA soldier Duncan O'Finion. I'd have to applaud the far reaching imagination of the script writers.The movie is really vividly made with settings done like a real life MK ULTRA soldier might be in. Like she appears in the U.S. as a starters. The story could have taken place 100% in China or Hong Kong, but for some reason the writers chose "America" for the killings to take place. Her mode of operation, her relation to the agency that created her. The way the agency "calls" her to activate her, all are straight out of MK ULTRA.Was all this a coincidence, or did the writers knew more than they are alluding to in this movie ? With the real life MK ULTRA soldiers coming out nowadays, the (Black) cat is out of the bag.
HumanoidOfFlesh Stephen Shin's "Black Cat" is a watchable Hong Kong effort,but also a total rip-off of Luc Besson's "Nikita"(1989).So we have here a female killing machine(Jade Leung),who kills so many men that it has to be seen to be believed.Nice performance by Simon Yam(more known as a necrophiliac killer in "Dr Lamb")is another reason to see this movie.Check it out.
clovis-5 This flick would qualify as the first remake of the 1990 French classic, before Hollywood and American television picked up the idea. The early scenes in this Hong Kong crime actioner are a little rough around the edges, causing me to fear a "Tokyo Shock"-style schlockfest. But I persevered and was rewarded. There is violence and action aplenty along with the melodramatic and romantic elements that we've come to love and expect in this kind of film.What really makes the flick stand out is Jade Leung's performance. She is feral and dangerous in the beginning, like a sort of creature. In the course of the film she metamorphoses into someone beautiful and sexy, while retaining her dangerous quality. The actress deserves credit for the way she pulls that off.Oh, and the closing credits music is a spare, crisp example of late-80s/early 90s urban setting film music. Well done!
Anyanwu I am not following the voting crowd on this film. I loved it as much as the original-Nikita. I just have a thing for films where women take a hit and keep coming. If more women were like Black Cat men would think twice about abusing them. This movie is continual action. And unlike Nikita the action is even more violent. Cat is almost scary in her quest to reach her objective. If you like full on action, I highly recommend it. This is better than any of that Cynthia Rothrock stuff; and I like her for what she does.