Bewitched Bunny
Bewitched Bunny
NR | 24 July 1954 (USA)
Bewitched Bunny Trailers

Bugs must rescue Hansel and Gretel from Witch Hazel's clutches.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Edgar Allan Pooh " . . . children!" Bugs Bunny scolds Witch Hazel near the beginning of the Warner Bros. seven-minute Looney Tune, BEWITCHED BUNNY. "Call it a weakness," Hazel replies, without an ounce of compunction. Since this animated short hit the Big Screen, video stores, and You Tube, countless American kiddies have been cooked to death in Real Life stoves, microwaves, and (in at least one case), scrap metal smelters. Demographers estimate the U.S. population would have topped 400 million by now if not for the Satanic Subliminal Suggestions imprinted upon our brains by BEWITCHED BUNNY and other similar Looney Tunes. Just take a gander at the index of Hazel's Recipe Book here: "Waif Waffles, Page 7; Moppet Muffins, Page 16; Urchin Pie, Page 23; Kiddie Kippers, Page 35; Children Chops, Page 37; and Smorgas Boy, Page 92 (we had a Powerball entry developing until that last page number). Of course, Warner Bros. won't consider Pop-Tarted Tots as being eligible for its infamous "Forbidden Eleven List," since a Tyke Truffle is nowhere near as bad as a cartoon that might hurt the Fweewings of one of America's Dictatorial Minority Group Members. You can have your fill of twisted sadism, but Heaven Forbid exposure to a possible slur!
Lee Eisenberg In Witch Hazel's first appearance, she tempts Hansel (Hansel?) and Gretel into her house, only to have Bugs Bunny intervene; of course, he might be just as tasty. If absolutely nothing else, it's always great to see the various and sundry tricks that Bugs comes up with on the spot - always helped, natch, by the fact that any useful substance is immediately at hand. If "Bewitched Bunny" has any problem, it's that the cartoon sort of stereotypes Germans (the children have accents like the characters in "Fargo"). But no matter, this cartoon is purely a joke, and it's impossible not to like. I'd say that Witch Hazel, with her lovable cackling, did as much to advance the cause of witchcraft as Harry Potter or Samantha on "Bewitched". A real classic.
MartinHafer I liked the cartoons that featured Bugs and Witch Hazel--in this case she is voiced by Bea Benaderet while in others she's voiced by June Foray. I think that I actually liked this one best because of its depiction of Hansel and Gretel. They are pretty much simple-minded nincompoops that are completely oblivious to the impending danger. All they want to do is eat and they are just plain silly fun to watch. They are only saved by the intervention of Bugs who FINALLY convinces them to run away while he does battle with the evil witch. While the animation of this cartoon isn't the best, the story is a delight and it's a wonderful version of the old Grimm fairy tale.
maymad ..and in an edited version-on VHS. Classic Chuck Jones directed short with REALLY funky backgrounds and one of the most hilarious quotes: "Ahh,Your mother rides a vacuum cleaner!!!" spoken by the Teutonic Twins with a glorious German accent! And let's not forget Bugs' "....Hansel?.....Hansel?". I wonder if I've ever seen the original uncut version of this classic short, since, like most of us who've only watched it on ABC's Saturday morning cartoon programs in the 70s-80s, the majority of these were chopped off because they were deemed "violent"...hmmm...I guess these censors were never informed that most of these WB shorts were made FOR and BY ADULTS, so , if kids got a kick out of it, even better!!!Should have been included in the Golden Collection DVDs.