Beverly Lewis' The Confession
Beverly Lewis' The Confession
| 11 May 2013 (USA)
Beverly Lewis' The Confession Trailers

Katie Lapp, a young Amish woman who goes on a journey in search of her identity - only to find herself embroiled in a mystery that must be solved before she can be reunited with the "Englisher" mother who gave her up to adoption 20 years earlier.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Reno Rangan The second film based on the Beverly Lewis' 'The Heritage of Lancaster County' trilogy. The first was all about unfolding the secret. It was a good family film, overall a decent film. I knew what to expect from this part, but what I did not was the emotions. I actually thought of it, because of the plot. Since the previous film did not exploit it, it was only a matter of time we get our eyes wet. Yes, it was so touching, especially if you are a lighthearted. Even I felt it, but obviously the film filled with cliches.I think it does not matter, because only entertainment films can be criticised for not being original. Films about life, if they had focused on reality can be exempted. What I had watched was more a cinematic, more a television quality, but totally acceptable. Even though it had some flaws that I 'm going to assert later.Now coming to the story, Katie Lapp had left the Amish county to find Laura Mayfield. The challenges await in the world she has never been. But she manages it all well, except why she has come for. Soon finds herself in a mixed up situation, and coming out of it leads the narration to its end.-xX] Be like a flower. Be beautiful, rain or Shine. [Xx-I liked it better than the first. Probably one of the best Hallmark films I've seen in the overall account. So what's the negative of the film is the cast. I did not like it, really did not. There's a new Katie Lapp, played by Katie Leclerc. She was amazing. That does not mean Panabaker was bad. She did not retain the role because of the scheduling conflict. That's what they said. But whatever the reason, it did not stop the film to get its standards.From the actors' perspective, they all did justice to their parts. From the viewer's perspective, it's too bad to see different people in midway. But once you get used to it, there's no difference. Just an enjoyable drama. Not the entire film has been recast. So still it felt very familiar to carry on my watch. Helmed by the same director, it's a nicely done job. As always, short and to the point. Can the next one would keep up the same rhythm is the question that I'll going to find out very soon.I hope there will not be another Katie Lapp. But anyway, that's the finale of this trilogy, so expecting to end on a high. Almost the basic storyline is all exploited. What might comes is not known. That's what interests me now. So let you know what I think of the trilogy once I finish watching the third. Meanwhile, I say don't miss this if you like television/Hallmark films7.5/10
doycesub My wife and I were members of a Mennonite Church in the Lancaster County area for years. We have had our feelings hurt over the stress of honesty. There three places in the story that the impostor would have been exposed, twice by the real Katie and once by the "cousin". IThe impostor would have been given a chance to come forward with the truth but if she didn't they would have!! It is called "speaking the truth in love" and it would have happened because we saw it happen that way on more that one occasion. That's my main reason for not completely liking the movie. I know Beverly Lewis is from that area but she must not have encountered the "truth in Love" practices the way we did!!
momcat316 A young Amish woman tries to meet her birth mother, but is beaten to the meeting by an imposterthere is no excuse, much less reason, to denigrate the movie by further lowering yourself by the outrageous referral to down syndrome - how 19th century of you. the movie is enjoyable and many of us with various handicaps actually NEED a calm, well told, beautifully set story. the actors and actresses - yes, I prefer the difference - did an excellent job of presenting their characters, having spent time in Missouri's Mennonite country, I appreciate the effort it takes to become "bilingual" as it were. I would appreciate knowing the location of the beautiful home used as the family mansion. I have been to Canandegua, but remember nothing so grand, wonderful people and my only view of the Erie Canal. Why did the credits only reference North Carolina. a word to those responsible for the credits. there are many of us who must rely on your thoroughness as a bedside tour guide. and for those wondering, my problems include doing all my typing with one finger. do not impair my ability to enjoy a good story.
salesmanager I wonder why the title is such "the confession.." i have to give it a 10 for the very nice background music at the start and the single song rendered by Cathryn towards the end of the movie.. (what's the title of the song?)The story has some flaws but as a whole it is very likable .. and the story kept me seated as what will happen next... the end is so beautiful and emotional .. the scenes where they spend the remaining days together was just too much emotions words cannot describe...match with a beautiful song ... Other than the ending ..My favorite part is .....when it was announced daughter Cathryn...and sadly the real Cathryn could only watch the fake Cathryn walked in the scene and assumed her part as the daughter... she could not believe what happen to her ...This is one movie i'm sure a lot of drama avid viewers will agree that it's worth watching again..
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