Between Your Legs
Between Your Legs
| 14 January 1999 (USA)
Between Your Legs Trailers

Miranda, a sex addict, works for a radio station and is married to a cop. She signs up for therapy in order to deal with her sex addiction. Also in the group is Javier, a sex-phone junkie. The two misfits hit it off and a torid affair ensues. But things get a little complicated when Javier finds out that his phone sex trysts have been secretly taped and being distributed all over Madrid and that his ex-wife is living with his business partner. Elsewhere, while investigating a murder case, Felix discovers Miranda's affair with Javier.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
daddison1909 Where to begin! I admit that I had to watch this movie several time in order catch all of its details and subtle nuances. The title goes to the motivation of the characters. Something that I heard in college, that "biology is fate," also refers to the title. Something the taxi taxi driver says at the beginning to Javier, implies as much. The movies' characters, major and minor, all have one crisis or another to confront. How they handle their particular situation, highlights their character. Some run from them, others confront them. Each has his or her own style. So much for the plot. The photography was great, the acting was very good, the dialogue was exceptional. The ending, and the scenes leading up to it, were just fine. The writers clearly had a point of view, and say it loud and clear. This movie is highly entertaining, and thought-provocative. I would not be surprised if Hollywood re-made this movie.
Daniel If this was intended as a tribute to the great Alfred Hitchcock, this is simply disgusting: in fact, there are many obvious quotations (the opening credits, the first scene with the little girl screaming like in Marnie, the other one who believes to be already dead, remembering us Madeleine in "Vertigo", the music, etc, etc). Nonetheless, where Hitch's films are deep and fascinating, this one is just a sample of the lowest-grade cinema. It is outrageous towards Hitchcock, to say the least, showing that the director of the film either is not capable of understanding anything about the greatness of A. Hitchcock, either is simply a bad director. 0 / 10
meitschi When I read the title and a short description in a Budapest program magazine, I prepared for a darkly erotic love story. "Entre las piernas" did have such elements, of course, but still turned out to be something completely different.As soon as the (beautifully designed) titles started, it became evident for me that this film was going to be a hommage to Hitchcock an his films. The same everyday beginning that entails lots of unexpected turns; the same play with identity and culpability, the same insecure atmosphere where things happen to the characters that destroy their everyday world - even the music was Bernard Herrmann-style! Of course, directing and camerawork were not at all on the same level than in Hitchcock's films, but the perfect screenplay was indeed. The actors were also great and seemed to like their roles. I didn't like Javier Bardem in "Before Night Falls" but here he was really cute... :)I would absolutely recommend this film to everyone who likes clever psychological thrillers and also to all people who love Hitchcock's films and are familiar with his work.
Bishonen A difficult film to assess.The cinematography is stunning---one of the most beautifully shot and constructed urban thrillers I've seen from any country. Visually it surpasses most American productions in its lushness and moments of brutality. In terms of atmosphere, it's unforgettable; the character in the rain, in the shadows of alleyways, the iridescent shimmering interiors (shot in some beautifully seedy Spanish settings).A wonderful star-turn by Victoria Abril also carries the film. Her character, who cruises for sex in public places, is in turns pathetic and fascinating and drives the film forward even when the plotlines lag.Without blowing the revelation of the film, this also proves to be one of the most virulently AIDS- and homo-phobic stories committed to film. The film's positing of a Gay character as a crux of the mystery and the final moments of the story leans on a highly questionable exploitation of audience prejudices and anxieties. Taken at face value, it's an entertaining, well-paced thriller. Behind the surfaces, though, it's reactionary trash which preys on hatred and misunderstanding of sexual minorities.The audience I saw this film with applauded at the end, for the bravura filmmaking and good acting. I left with a bad taste in my mouth and ashamed that I had enjoyed the majority of the film until the last few minutes. Depending on where you're coming from and how far you're willing to scrutinize the context of this film, it will seem like a good, well-made movie or typically hetero-centric bashing of gay people, so common in movies from any country. Or perhaps both?