Benji the Hunted
Benji the Hunted
G | 05 June 1987 (USA)
Benji the Hunted Trailers

Benji has become stranded on a remote island after a boating accident. He finds himself struggling to survive in the wilderness, avoiding close encounters with a wolf, a bear, and a territorial female cougar with her cub.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Lawbolisted Powerful
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
redhed979 Make sure you take the time to preview this movie before you show it to your young children. I haven't watched this movie since I was 8, but I am still scarred. First you see the mother shot dead, and then one by one they pick off the kittens. I cried through the whole thing. Why would they do that to children?
Ambuj Saxena Benji the Hunted is a movie that will surely bring a warm joy to animal lovers. The biggest strength of the movie is the detailed portrayal of emotions by the animal star-cast. It is nearly impossible to miss the perfection with which director Joe Camp captures even tiny details like the trembling legs of cougar kittens that followed Benji, the innocence of their faces, or even their spontaneous playful nature. The movie is not about Benji performing breath-taking complicated maneuvers to save the day, rather how Benji faces the day-to-day challenges of living in the wild with the added responsibility of four orphaned cougar kittens. The challenges of the wild are plentiful, enough to keep your eyes hooked to the screen. Yet it's not a fast-paced thriller which would have cost the movie its credibility as a realistic one. The human actors in the movie have very limited role, and the director wastes no time in bundling them out of limelight. Benji again emerges as a hero, showing a big "human" heart, and the message of peace and non-violence is very effectively communicated in the movie. The background score is average, yet does its job efficiently by not distracting the audience from the movie. It is a family movie suitable for all age groups, and a recommended watch for all animal lovers.
rebeljenn This is a film appreciated most by those who enjoy nature and animals. There is little speaking in the film as the star of the film is Benji, and he is lost in the wild and away from humans. (There is maybe a minute or two of dialogue at most in the entire film.) This film entirely focuses on Benji and some wild kittens that he takes care of in the wild and tries to keep from danger. It's a cute film, but it also shows us the not-so-cute side of nature when some of the kittens end up in fatal situations. A touching film, Benji the Hunted will be enjoyed by children and it sends a good and honest message to us about nature and survival.
David It's been years and years since I've seen this one but I remember it very fondly. Perhaps one of neatest things about the movie is that there is little to no dialog so we don't have to worry about horrible actors. Benji is great. He is extremely convincing when he stops to ponder various situations like when he knows his owner is nearby but he decides against going home right away.I just happened across the page for Benji but now that I have, I think I need to get to Blockbuster to pick this one up. I highly recommend.