Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
NR | 26 May 1998 (USA)
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Trailers

Marvel's hard-boiled hero is brought back to fight the menace of Hydra after exiling himself in the Yukon since the end of the Cold War. The children of the former Hydra head, Baron Von Stucker, have taken charge of the terrorist organization. Under the lead of his vicious daughter, Viper, Hydra has seized a deadly virus and threatens the destruction of America.

Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
jimlacy2003 Out of interest, after never watching this movie until tonight on TV to get more information on it.First of all I thought it was entertaining!So much so I'd say a lot of the other reviews are just being to critical and on the "Hasselhoff is xxxx, haha, bandwagon".Yea maybe David Hasselhoff is pretty cheesy in a lot of the shows he's been (or otherwise produced), and sure maybe he's no silent tough guy (like Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, etc.) but if you look past the stigma it's a pretty entertaining movie..If you can catch it on TV, give it a go..
clh-1 In the 1990's Marvel Comics was in something of a financial strain, and to help themselves out, they would lease the movie and television rights to their characters to whoever had cash on hand right at that moment (because $100 in your pocket is better than $10,000 in pledged money), this resulted in some tough times for the film adventures of the Marvel characters; Captain America and Punisher got direct to video adventures, the Fantastic Four film never saw the light of day, and Nick Fury and Generation X (X-Men spin off) were optioned for series by FOX. Neither one got past the pilot/TV movie stage. That said, of the pre-2000 Marvel film adaptations, Nick Fury is arguably among the best. One can never underestimate the power of the Hoff, and who could care about anything else? The plot, action, and special effects are above average for FOX TV movie, but it's not like they were out to get any Oscars or anything. Once could watch far worse, like Superman Returns.
lepermessiah-1 This was quite simply a complete and utter suck-fest. It sucked out loud, in stereo. David Hasselhoff successfully completed the mission that HYDRA agents have been attempting for years: He brutally murdered Nick Fury.Hasselhoff doesn't even LOOK like Nick Fury. He's white, and he's got brown hair. That's where the similarities end. He doesn't look grizzled, he doesn't look tough, and he doesn't look smart. He is a German Pop-Singer. I really, really hope that they make a good movie for this character, because this one doesn't cut it. Not by a long-shot.As I've been ranting and ripping on this movie for a while now, I will say this: if you want to read some good Nick Fury story lines, try these: Strange Tales #135 - First time Nick Fury is seen with SHIELD. He is elected to lead the organization.Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD - The Jim Steranko stories are amazing, nostalgic fun. Try it out, even if you don't like comics. They're like watching old episodes of "Mission: Impossible" or "the Avengers".Whatever you do, DO NOT take this "movie" as being in any way definitive of the great spy-character known as...Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD
Supermannickzeus I mean David Hasseholf sucks, but, yes there is a but, he is good in this one role. Even tho the Nick Fury character is a ripoff off of Snake Plisken in every way, this movie is still enjoyable. I'm not a big fan of John Carpenter's Snake Plisken movies (Escape From New York, Escape From LA), but I am a fan of his Snake Plisken character. He is a super secret spy in a super secret government agency. He delivers the one liners and smokes his cigarettes. That's pretty much the depth of this character. Even a video game character is named after him, Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid. He is by far one of the coolest characters ever created. The genius of this character lies in his simplicity. He is a simple hero put in complex situations. Having said that, I enjoyed this movie more than both of the John Capenter movies mentioned above. Yes, it is better than those 2 movies. Many will disagree, few will get it.
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