Beneath the Harvest Sky
Beneath the Harvest Sky
NR | 18 April 2014 (USA)
Beneath the Harvest Sky Trailers

A teen drama set during the fall potato harvest in a small northern Maine town.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Seth_Rogue_One I watched this a couple years back and I kid you not, I could not remember a single thing about it. Ended up rewatching it today and eventually some things came back to me.It's about 2 teenage-friends in a smalltown in the middle of nowhere; Casper and Dominic. Dominic is a 'good kid' while Casper is the town 'bad boy' who's extracurricular activities involves being part of his father Drug business.The pace is really slow but the acting is good enough to still keep your patience (especially Emory Cohen who's absolutely brilliant as Casper).While the main focus is on them there is plenty of other characters that are put in focus from time to time, one of which is Casper's father (albeit he's not very fatherly) played by Aiden Gillen who most people will recognize as Petyr Bailish from Game Of Thrones).And even though there is a criminal element to the plot I should point out that it's not a crime-movie in that regard, most of the film is about life in a small town and all that that entails.The characters feel realistic, especially the teenagers whom I can imagine a lot of people can relate too and visually it looks nice as well.But although the movie does have a lot of plus-points I have to consider the fact that I had managed to forget all about it and that it lacks that extra emotional punch, so I can only get myself to give it a 6, a strong 6 though.
SnoopyStyle It's VanBuren, Maine. Dominic Roy (Callan McAuliffe) and Casper (Emory Cohen) are best friends. Casper's girlfriend Tasha (Zoe Levin) tells him that she's pregnant. He comes from a dysfunctional family. He disrupts class, breaking and entering for his criminal dad Clayton (Aidan Gillen) and hates his mother (Carrie Preston). Clayton pulls him into the world of smuggling drug in from Canada. Dominic hopes to move to Boston with Casper. He lives with his mother (Carla Gallo). He works hard on the potato farm to earn the money to buy a car. Nice girl Emma (Sarah Sutherland) is also working there to pay for college.It has a lot of the trappings of indie filmmaking of today without the something special to distinguish it from the rest. It has the dysfunctional lower class folks. The story is unoriginal. It has the hand-held shaky camera work. The two leads just aren't special enough. They are fine actors but there are not stars. They don't show or allowed to show the spark that would energize this movie. It moves a bit too slowly and needs to elevate the danger much sooner.
pantxike Raw, honest, amazing actors, excellent soundtrack (and frankly the only full soundtrack i bought for £7.99). A coming-of-age movie that will surely affect ages 16-23.This movie is not for everyone, you should have an edgy self to really appreciate it. Emory Cohen (Casper), Sarah Sutherland (Emma), Callan McAuliffe and Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones) were amazing actors. A movie well worth watching and forming an opinion. Very, very, very good. If you liked 'Rampage' (the only movie that comes in mind) you will love this movie. It has an aesthetic that is very enticing and an honesty that will blow you away.I give it 10 out of 10 for the moments it offered me!
russell13725 I just read a review where they said you are on the edge of your seat with anticipation. I was on the edge of my seat bout to walk out maybe, but certainly not with anticipation. This movie was slow slow slow, and the sound trac only added to the crawl. Don't get me wrong I did give it a few stars, but that was only because the acting was plausible. If you didn't read the summary before watching you may have a hard time figuring out where exactly they are. Canada, Maine, Oklahoma (for the Tulsa reference)... but in the end you know where you are... on the edge of your seat thankful this movie has ended. On one side note this film does make you appreciate what you may have at your own home... kids with direction and responsibility. One last thing about this movie that bothered me, kinda. Everybody in the movie seemed angry and bitter. Is this little town so depressing that it causes such bitterness and unloving parents? Who knows. Watch this movie at your own risk. I recommend painting a wall before sitting down to watch. My guess is that you'll turn to the wall and watch that dry instead.