Beneath Loch Ness
Beneath Loch Ness
PG-13 | 06 July 2001 (USA)
Beneath Loch Ness Trailers

A scientific expedition to Loch Ness runs into trouble when the group leader is killed in a mysterious diving accident. Soon after, when the unorthodox Professor Howell shows up to take over as leader of the group, more strange incidents and attacks start to occur. While Howell and TV producer Elizabeth Borden are busy investigating the source of the attacks, the body of an enormous sea creature washes up on the lake's shore.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
astrauch There are people who know the dangers. They are made fun of, chased out of town. No one cares? "Let's go into the water. The rich business man says it is OK" Apparently I need to write more lines. The creatures always evade the best technology, or worse the people get sent out into danger with fault instruments. "get going, save the world, but sir our sensors don't work, OK I'll go"If a group of four go two will die, the obnoxious, pervert dies first. Then his girlfriend or the girl noxious guy was hitting on. The heroes girlfriend appears to die but she gets save by hero of the movie at the end. Nobody get too freaked as the death toll rises. Just some thoughts on this kind of movie.
hmlphoenix There are many comments about this movie and almost all say the same thing. This movie was horrible.Aside from the terrible accents, the serious over-acting, incredibly primitive animation, and numerous goofs, this movie insults our intelligence by having no plot whatsoever.I won't even begin to mention the fact that they know nothing about diving and don't think that I fell for the "underwater" shots. No one can move that quickly in the water and no one can make a decent that fast and then surface even faster without getting the bends. The only reason I watched this whole movie was the fact that I am too lazy to get up when I am curled up in bed with my laptop, my warm blanket and a cat sleeping on my feet. Now I know some brain cells died while watching this movie. Sorry folks, good idea, bad bad, so so bad movie.
Mel J As a Scot, when I saw this film, I was left numbed at how shocking it was and I don't mean that in a good way. This 'film' (and I use that term in the loosest sense of the word) is not only an insult to Scotland but it is embarrassing for the Hollywood producers and actors involved in this project.Aside from the fact the storyline dire and the acting utterly bland, the special effects look as if they were put together by three-year-olds on their nursery school computer . However, the most pathetic point about this film was the fact it clearly was not set anywhere remotely near the UK, let alone Loch Ness. It was bad enough that the cast were mainly Americans (or Americans with bad accents) but the cars drove on the wrong side of the road, the police wore American uniforms and little effort was made to even pretend the American location of this film was supposedly Scotland. Then you had the stereotypical Scots who graced the background every so often; I honestly was waiting for them to shout 'och, aye the noo' then do the Highland fling in their kilt with the haggis dancing by their sides.Take a leaf out of Nessie's book when it comes to 'Beneath Loch Ness' and hide far, far away from it (although Scots may want to see it with the view that it is pure comedy in a 'so bad it's good' way).
mobius-9 What a complete turkey!One of the all-time worsts with the two "name" actors (Bergin and Anthony) appearing only briefly in the first half, but compensating for this later with frantic scenery chewing. (Bergin in a kilt with blue-painted face is certainly a sight to remember.)In addition: an incoherent plot, frequent continuity errors, laughable effects and unbelievable locations even for one who has never been to Scotland.Only possible things of interest: a totally unnecessary wet T-shirt scene and an uncredited Robert Foxworth in the shower.Avoid at all costs! (Especially if you are Scottish and take pride in your land and its people.)