Death Ride
Death Ride
R | 08 August 2006 (USA)
Death Ride Trailers

An American photographer has an affair with a mysterious woman (Yoshikawa), which leads him into a confrontation with the occult.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Claudio Carvalho The photographer Greg Ross (Rand Gamble) has an argument with his wife Amanda (Laura Putney) about his affair with the Japanese model Yumi (Hinano Yoshikawa) and he accidentally kills her. He decides to get rid off Amanda's body dumping it in the Black Lake. While driving in a road during the night, Greg recalls moments of his relationship with Amanda and Yumi and is haunted by their ghosts, driving him insane with a tragic conclusion.The feature "Death Ride" is a long and boring journey to insanity through the guilty complex of a character that becomes delusional, blending reality and imagination. The eerie story could be a good short, but the director used a slow pace to make the movie last 84 minutes running time; as the consequence, I found it too long and repetitive, apparently going nowhere for a long time. In addition, the accent of Hinano Yoshikawa is terrible. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "De Carona Com a Morte" ("Riding with Death")
mds1-2 Yes, folks, this one is the perfect storm of zero production value, terrible acting, awful script, horrible direction--if he was even on the set--and ludicrous DVD special features. There may be worse movies out there, but none worse than this total package.We are told that the director has 30 years experience in film. Doing what, I would ask? Believe me, a six-year-old kid with no experience and a new video camera could do much better.Did the distributor watch the movie before releasing it? Did anyone notice that the making of featurette stops abruptly in mid-sentence? Was there an editor on this project? How about when Greg buys gas at a station clearly marked "closed"? Does it really take all night to drive 40 miles? A total fiasco.
Mondus This film makes Ed Wood, Coleman Francis, Bert I. Gordon, and Roger Corman all look like Oscar-winning producers and directors. At least the films these guys produced usually fell into the 'so-bad-they-are-good' category and provided hours of unintentional humorous entertainment. "Haunted Highway" is simply 'so-bad' it is not even funny. Bad story, bad acting, bad cinematography, bad lighting, bad everything. I bet even the crew at Mystery Science Theater 3000 would have passed on the chance to riff this bomb.As everyone else has said.... don't waste your time on this film. It might induce brain rot.
For_us_only2000 ACTING was the pits. The leads had no connection. The story line has possibilities. With different actors might have given the movie of a chance. The flash backs did nothing for me. Some of the ghost scenes were impressive, considering it was a low budget film. The knocking from inside the trunk, Then as he turned around the sprit knocking on the window and chasing him down the road. Also when the trunk opens up and closes then blood covers the car and a face falls on to the windshield. They were the best of the so called scary scenes. Was it me? Who was that person.(The sprit). She did not look like either of the leads. How was she involved? I guess you you had a few drinks or a joint or two you could get into this movie.