PG | 20 January 2017 (USA)
Believer Trailers

Imagine Dragons’ Mormon frontman Dan Reynolds is taking on a new mission to explore how the church treats its LGBTQ members. With the rising suicide rate amongst teens in the state of Utah, his concern with the church’s policies sends him on an unexpected path for acceptance and change.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
GrammarMatters I was really impressed by much of this documentary, and liked the bits of music clips, and felt moved by the pain of those who have been attacked by the Mormon religious faith - but I felt more and more during the movie, and especially at the end when they were showing clips from the actual concert that was done, that this movie is still just trying to push the Mormon 'belief' and all the stupidity and idiocy this religion entails.I felt like screaming at the screen as the film went on, especially at the end: "How the HECK can you continue to believe in a religion that has caused the death by suicide of hundreds of its followers?" How can anybody believe that a little man up in the sky actually cares about them when the leaders of the Mormon faith continue to push hate and bigotry and push so many Mormon teenagers to kill themselves.The movie points out that the number ONE cause of death of Mormon teenagers is suicide! How could there be a god who would accept this?This movie made me want to grab the next gay Mormon I might see and shake them and yell: "Snap out of it!" and try to explain to them that they've been brainwashed ....But what can you expect from a group of people who spend so much of their time going around knocking on the doors of people and bugging them and trying to push their strange view of the world on other people.It's time to boycott Mormon businesses. I will no longer buy any products from the photography parts company that moved to Utah from California. Some of you might know the company I mean. They are not really right. But one of the leaders of the company is one of those alt-right @$$*^%'s
ops-52535 I'm not gay, but i know some who are, i do not speak out loud for the LGBTQ community either, because i dont feel too, but thanks to everybody enlightning us not knowers with this film this music, this love faith and hope. i have an easy agenda that to be good to everybody doesnt hurt anybody , and the film is an approval that even the smallest thing might help and save. as a film product , i'm a little confused about wether it is a protest against the mormone community or a personal promotion towards the music,or if its a 100 percent love for the cause. i hope the net income of the festival and the film is building a fund that can help and mission people in the LGBTQ community in the mormon society in the state of utah , with for instance 24 hour call centers, emergency safe house clinics for people in existential crisis and so on. i'm raiding on the imagine dragon wave myself these days, watching their show in oslo norway in april 2018 , the best gig ever ive been to, so i feel kinda influenced by this when writing this review. watch the film,youll never regret that, you might save a life believe it or not........
emmadragon-25042 I caught this at Sundance and was initially moved by the sentiments of the film, Dan's openness, and the idea that he could be such a voice for change in an isolated community. However, I then heard the filmmakers speak and even got a chance to talk to one of them myself and learned that this wasn't the movie they set out to make and felt like I was witnessing a fraud.They intended to make a movie about Dan's depression and fame but ended up guiding the picture to become what I assume they believed would be a film that would sell and gain awards.I gave this 3 stars because I honestly believe in the message of the movie, but to later learn that it was funded by LiveNation I can only assume it was intended to help promote their band and make a mormon follower seem more likable to the mainstream.After watching the film, I learned that Dan was now appearing in anti-smoking ads too. I think he is just attempting to retain popularity through social righteousness and anyone and everyone is piggy packing along for the ride. He seems like a good person and I wish him the best, but this film makes me feel cheated.Love one another, and realize what you're watching when you see this picture.
moviereviewmagnet A group of straight white males got together to make an outsider film about the LGBTQ community. It has it's touching moments but overall it is slow, boring, and full of story holes. It plays more as an apology letter from a man (Reynolds) who actively worked with the Mormons to discriminate against the gay community and is now worried that this revelation will impact his record sales.It was almost as if the filmmakers just got access to the lead singer of a major band but couldn't find anything else for him to do but speak out about seemingly outdated issues that leads us to a pointless conclusion/solution. Reynolds, who is a bit slow witted and very reminiscent of Andy Samberg's character in 'Popstar'... and also a Mormon, believes that the resolution to the Mormon/Gay conflict is to hold a concert event. Thats it. That sums up the whole movie.I only gave the film a single star because I couldn't rate it any lower. It felt like a complete waste of time.