Beginning of the Great Revival
Beginning of the Great Revival
| 23 June 2011 (USA)
Beginning of the Great Revival Trailers

A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Dr_Mark_ODoherty With an ensemble of fine actors, this movie offers a nice historical background of China. This movie also made me understand why the majority of Chinese people during that time had probably some gratitude to the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, who - to a certain extent - succeeded to bring unity and political stability, which China needed badly during that time. However, I have my doubts if Mao Zedong was really such a humble and gentle soul, being 100% committed to fidelity and monogamy as depicted in the movie. However, if the Chinese Communist Party insists on depicting Mao Zedong as a saint, I am prepared to swallow that, and whatever other divine virtues the Chinese Communist Party wants to attribute to Mao Zedong. The movie also emphasizes how important the student movement was for the CCP, and how important students are in general for the development of China - which is blatantly inconsistent with today's policy of the CCP; the Chinese Communist Party having succeeded to virtually ban the topic of student movement in today's China. I can understand that the 89' Tiananmen Square Massacre complicates this topic - especially as hardliners of the Chinese Communist Party are primarily to blame for this atrocity against Chinese students - but all the more reason that this needs to be addressed and resolved in China; including an apology by the Chinese Communist Party, which is still lacking.
Crveni Krst Before deciding to watch "Beginning Of The Great Revival", I read some of the comments here on IMDb. Actually, I was quite stunt that a motion title released only recently had so many reviews, most of them filled with hatred and wrath. Something was out of place, and after seeing the movie itself, it's quite obvious what's at stake.The first an most mentioned fact is the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. I guess that was pretty obvious from the first title in the movie itself, and all those who found this to be insulting could just switch off the player or leave the cinema. If something is dedicated to the milestone of CCP, it's most probable that the content will be affirmative towards it.Next big argument is "the lack of story". This is often heard from people who have no knowledge of Chinese history or China what so ever. True, this is not a classical shallow saccharine polluted Hollywood style story, where everything has to be chewed and re branded, so the average redneck Joe with 10 bux in his pocket could get it into his head. "Beginning Of The Great Revival" is a semi documentary film, where the basic idea consisted of connecting certain historical turn points in modern Chinese history. Have the scriptwriters manage to make that connection well is a different question, since Chinese history in the first two decades of the 20th century was violent and turbulent, as the old empire collapsed and a new republic became to exist together with the Koumintang. That struggle continued in blood for the next 20 years, following Japan's invasion, and later a civil war between Communists and Chang Kai Shek. The story may not be fluent, but it can hardly be when so many historical moments have to be packed in a brief 2 hours. Is it historically partial? It undoubtedly is, since the Communist prevailed, and history is written by those who win. I guess Lincoln would be depicted as a thug in modern cinematography if South did rise again... Yet another problem with some viewers (though I suspect they managed to last the whole movie with attention) is Mao. You may like him or not, still he remains an important players in modern Chinese history as one of the CCP founders. Actually, his figure was not the main character in the movie, but I guess his plain appearance and mention is enough to hurt someone's feelings.This movie is widely criticized by those, whose hate is more or less directed towards communism in general and modern China, without much insight in history or reality. It's been a long time since I've seen so much negative energy directed towards a movie, and reading such comments actually entertains me. Funny...Concerning my point of view, I think the movie is decent. Not great, brilliant or unforgettable, but plain decent. Actors did a fair job, visual experience was up to the task, and the historical moments were brought to life in a depicting manner. Does "Beginning Of The Great Revival" deserve 10 stars? By all means no. Still, I decided to give this rating only in defiance towards haters who hardly see beyond their short noses.BTW, even with all Maoist propaganda, "Beginning Of The Great Revival" is more historically accurate and pleasant to watch than for instance that "The Kennedys" piece of sludge.
James Wan I have watched this on Youtube, through an VPN from China, The foundation of CCP is pure to Chinese's people. It's the biggest disaster to the Chinese. The movie made me feel sick, Full of lies in this movie. Nothing worse I can describe this. All the CCP member in China are forced to watch it! Some are required to watch it time and time again, to make it can get the ticket of number 100 million USD. No other movie is allow to show it theater The whole movie is keep saying: "no one can save China, except the CCP." This's a stupid and ridiculous joke! CCCP story will happen again here. I'd like to see how things happen within 10 years. Generally, this is the worst movie i have ever seen.
jay_yan This movie was shot in China, still firmly controlled by Chinese Communist Party. Of course it will contain the story told by CCP. Undoubtedly it contains endless speeches to show how necessary and great CCP was. So please forget about that part. If you see the movie to look for art, drama, affection, of course you will be disappointed.But what makes this movie different from the other Chinese propaganda movies is its huge cast. There are tons of famous Chinese, including Hong Kong and oversea Chinese, actors and actresses. You can never see so many stars in one movie, other than Jian Guo Da Ye, also produced by the same producer with an equally huge cast two years ago. The fun of watching this movie is to "count stars", instead of follow its boring and revisioned story.