Before Dawn
Before Dawn
| 22 February 2013 (USA)
Before Dawn Trailers

An estranged couple's vacation to save their troubled relationship goes awry when they find themselves under attack from the walking dead

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Alan-jones0686 This is definitely worth a watch for anyone who enjoys the horror genre but finds mindless non stop action a bit tiring and monotonous. The film offers violence in a very cleverly measured way and ensures that its attention remains weighted to the story of the two main characters rather than getting carried away with the action and special effects (which are believable). This film does not disappoint in terms of gore if that's what you're after in horror, but it draws you into the characters' lives more than normal zombie films by keeping both the location and number of cast small, sticking to a storyline out with the apocalyptic plot and casting actors that can act. This all results in everything seeming more believable and in turn more horrifying.The original music score is very well suited to the film and each scene is assisted by a style of music which enhances the mood of the characters, scenes and film. I really enjoyed the good artistic blend of cinematography and music. Don't be put off by bad reviews. Give this film a shot and make up your own mind, just hit play with expectations of a solid story which has some zombies :-)
Theo Robertson It's amazing how many zombie films there are out there . If nothing else it keeps The Horror Channel in the UK constantly running . I'm trying to remember a time when post apocalypse scenarios didn't feature zombies . When I was a teenager nuclear annihilation seemed the major plot device to set up the end of the world . As soon as Gorby pulled down The Iron Curtain 20 billion zombies staggered out to take over the world As you can guess the point I'm making is that there's an element of seen it all before and that's probably why Boyle's 28DL was such a big hit - he brought something new to the table by having the living dead outsprint Usain Bolt . One can understand the point BEFORE DAWN is trying for . It's a bit like Ben Wheatley's KILL LIST where British social drama meets unrestrained horror but ends up being a bit seen it all before where the protagonists lock themselves in a farmhouse . If nothing else it's no worse than WORLD WAR Z and cost 150 million dollars less to produce and does contain a deeply cynical line " What are the police doing ? " " Oh it's the end of the world let's phone the f---in pigs " which caused me to stifle a laugh but there's not much of a film here
Seb A couple rent a cottage in Yorkshire as an attempt to rekindle their failing marriage. For 45 minutes you are trapped in that cottage with them and nothing happens except for an argument about the great wall of china. This is not character development.When the zombies turn up they bark and snarl like Yorkshire terriers. To make them look jerky they simply removed some frames from the film. This looks terrible. Highlights of the zombie action include a 10 minute long chase scene around a land rover with hilariously amped up action music as though something exciting is happening.This is a poor effort with non-existent pace, illogical reactions and mediocre acting. The ending is laughable too.
davidfergusonuk I had the good fortune to see this picture at Frightfest 13. The film opens with beautiful shots of the British countryside, immediately making you think "how can anything bad happen here".But being a movie with the living dead you already know the answer.This is an intimate film as you follow this couple on there last ditch attempt to save their marriage. Indeed the film could have played out as the final death throes of a relationship without the invasion of zombies and indeed Dominic Brunt's desperation to resuscitate what has died is palpable.Joanne Mitchell as Meg is superb and makes a potentially unsympathetic character someone you care about.The acting is measured non-histrionic and understated.Everything is very real.The message of the film could very much be "there are greater horrors in life than zombies".Although they are flesh eating zombies in the film this could easily be enjoyed as a companion piece to "28 Days Later". The waves of horror that wash over you and the emotional ride Dominic Brunt goes through are brilliant.A cracking script, a strong cast,, and excellent camera work allow you to over look the perhaps not perfect make-up or the overdubbing, but this is to be too critical of a film that succeeds to strike a different note in the genre and bring a solid sense of reality and horror to what is happening whether it's the zombies or the death of a marriage.Recommended.