Beast Stalker
Beast Stalker
R | 27 November 2008 (USA)
Beast Stalker Trailers

Sergeant Tong is wracked with guilt after he unwittingly kills a young girl whilst capuring a criminal named Cheung. When the girl's sister is later kidnapped in a ploy to get Cheung released, Sergeant Tong vows to find and rescue her before she comes to harm.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
BA_Harrison Tough cop Tong Fei (Nicholas Tse) seeks redemption for his accidental shooting of a little girl by trying to rescue her sister Ling (Suet-yin Wong) from the clutches of a desperate kidnapper/killer for hire (Nick Cheung).Dante Lam's crime thriller Beast Stalker offers up some superbly handled sequences, including an exciting car chase that culminates in a show-stopper of a slow-motion crash, several effective emotionally wrought scenes, and a real nail-biter of a finale. The characters are well drawn, with both cop and killer presented as real people rather than two dimensional caricatures.But as commendable as all of this is, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by the plot, which does little to elevate itself from countless other HK cop thrillers—I have the feeling that as much as I liked the film as it unfolded, it won't be long before I will have forgotten all about it. Lam's use of shaky cam can also get a little irritating at times, and the twist at the end (which reveals cop and killer to have crossed paths years before) is extremely contrived.
basilisksamuk Another film that I enjoyed on the whole but couldn't help thinking that it was a great film hidden inside a lesser one. It's not only Hollywood films which suffer from excessive lengths and this could have been tauter and more exciting with some judicious editing.I found the car chase immensely frustrating. To start, the actual chase was very badly done with evidence of speeded up film and very close camera shots to hide how few cars and real situations were involved. But then we have one of the most spectacular crashes I have ever seen on film just in terms of the angles and details which you normally miss in high speed crashes. It really was an object lesson in how to film a crash. The crash also becomes central in that it is seen through different people's eyes as the film progresses rather in the manner of Pulp Fiction and the construction of the film around this event is handled very cleverly.The film also suffered excessively from Shaky Cam, often used for no discernible point and to bad effect. There's nothing wrong with Shaky Cam per se – it was used to great effect in the Bourne films for instance but don't do it for the sake of it or because everyone else does it.However, despite these faults, this is a well acted, well written and beautifully designed piece of cinema which is well worth your time seeing. I am always happy to see a film in which actions have consequences and this shows it very well indeed.
edchin2006 A better than average H.K. thriller - even with the "Over the top" acting and special effects.With the usual convoluted plot and moral high ground for the "good guys", it seemed it might be a tight squeeze to tie up all the loose ends by the end of the picture. But, in the end, everything is nicely bundled and the emotional resolution is accompanied by the satisfaction of knowing how all the principals fit together.There may be a remake by Tarentino, but he'll be hard pressed to find a kid as cute as the one in this flick. (All the kids are cute in this one!)
gabridl This is the best Hong Kong cop thriller I have seen since "Infernal Affairs" and "Triad Election." All three films suggest critiques of Mainland China's relationship to Hong Kong chilling enough to raise them to a level of art. I expect a remake soon, although I don't think it will be as good as "The Departed."For those with no interest or awareness in contemporary Chinese politics, "Beast Stalker" works perfectly well as a thriller. But with a little reflection many contemporary Chinese films like this can be decoded as profound commentaries on the current situation in China every bit as trenchant as Sixth Generation dramas. This is a golden age of Chinese cinema. Don't underestimate what you see.
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