Be My Baby
Be My Baby
PG-13 | 29 May 2007 (USA)
Be My Baby Trailers

After dating several cheating husbands who pretended to be single, Rylee devises a scheme for revenge. She gets a married man drunk, convinces him that they slept together, then shows up a year later with a baby and demands money. Her blackmail plan is successful, but then she meets a single man, Max, who wants to be with her and keep the baby.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Lawbolisted Powerful
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
lebovskis Wow, I thought this movie was SO great. Even if it had poor editing and you just can't help smiling. Storyline is something new, like you've never seen before, it sort of chick seducing then blackmailing men with a twist, ha ha. And jokes were so classy that you just think "Wow... This is so clever...". This is an example of a really good movie with a low budget. And for people that cannot appreciate it because the picture had no effects and doesn't look like anything from 2010 - **** you loll. I've really appreciated this movie as well as an idea it brings and it made time fly by. I know that people gave this movie one star out of ten because "geez, editing is poor" or "she's abducting babies, oh my god..." that just shows that these people decide about the book by it's cover, and this movie had a lot more depth in it than these guys might think. So, if you're tolerant, and you think that movie is good not by an effects but by its message (like me) you should really enjoy it, or at least, have a good laugh about it :) And for people that say this is worst movie they've seen - you've barely seen any movies ;)
shackelfordapril I loved this movie! The story was so interesting and entertaining. All the actors especially Rene Ashton superb. She is so natural and so funny. I recommend this movie to anyone its a feel good movie and I could see it again and again. I have never heard a story like this and that is what made it so wonderful because it was different. The kids and babies in this movie all so cute and adorable. Who ever wrote this a pure genius. I hope there are more of these stories from the writer soon. The ending was just perfect, sometimes you want movies to end like this one and it usually doesn't happen and you leave the movie feeling like "why did they mess this up" and then you are like that was a waste of time.
kgb32007 I thoroughly enjoyed "Be My Baby" and recommend it to anyone who has a whimsical sense of humor. It was cleverly written, hilarious and has an original/off-beat story line. The lead character, Rene Ashton, "borrows" babies in a scheme to bilk money from unsuspecting married men she has had one-night affairs with - or so they are led to believe - until one man, Brody Hutzler, suspects something is amiss. What follows is a comedic array of schemes cleverly devised by the two - a sham marriage, a phony baby book, a babysitter paid to babysit no baby - to get the other to throw in the white flag and admit the truth. Neither caves until they are on the altar. On the whole, the movie offers good acting, well written dialogue and a creative flair. While their on-screen relationship is convoluted at best (which is the way it is meant to be) the two leads develop very good chemistry and you're left pulling for them to end up together in the end. For my money, Rene Ashton is a star in the making. She is beautiful, charming, funny and makes her character come to life. Her eyes draw you in and her smile is enchanting. She is not only a talented actress, but obviously an extremely talented writer as well (she is listed along with Chris Kennedy as the writer for "Be My Baby"). Not so sure she is a good dancer though. What were those moves in the club scene with Hutzler? My only regret is that I would have loved to have seen what this cast and film could have done with a more substantial budget. Even still, this movie succeeds on so many levels it does not seem low-budget in the end. 9 out of 10 stars...
marduk I tried hard to watch this movie. After about 15 minutes I wanted to give up but struggled to watch on. Then 30 minutes into the film I threw in the towel. It just wasn't worth it.As if the poor acting and editing weren't enough, the whole premise of the film leaves much to be desired. We find that the protagonist kidnaps babies in order to fool the man that she had a fling with a year earlier that he had fathered her child so she can swindle money out of him. We're supposed to empathize with her, but the whole premise makes it virtually impossible. Add to this comedic elements that are just not funny, dialog that is just unbelievable, and the aforementioned poor acting and you pretty much have a film that you can't wait to end. But after a half hour I could only see it getting worse, so I didn't even bother to finish the film.