Battle of Surabaya
Battle of Surabaya
| 01 March 2015 (USA)
Battle of Surabaya Trailers

Musa, who is only a thirteen-year-old shoe shiner, undergoes destiny through his adventure of waging war during the war time. Will he manage to bring peace among the troops who keep on fighting for nothing?

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
euroasiangenetic It's amazing how Indonesia movies has become stronger since the Raid movies, Indonesia has now become the elite league together with Hollywood, Japan, Russia, Hong Kong and sometimes China.November 10th is probably the best war movie ever despite the 2d animation, the plot is shown why war is bad and why it's the best is because it doesn't portray anyone as an enemy just the war.The story is about two young kids, a boy name Muusa and a girl name Yuuna. Muusa is a mail delivery boy who delivers secrets code to different province in Indonesia during the Dutch, Japanese, and British occupation. On his way he has to avoid the soldiers or if he get caught there could be complications for his country. But his world turns upside down when he loses friends and war breaks out, hell on earth has begun.What I love about this movie is that they manage portray war as unnecessary and an evil choice, and nobody is an enemy, just the war itself, for instance when the British soldiers occupied Indonesia, we see the British General as a cold killer but then we learn his tragic story caused by war, same with a Japanese diplomat, a Dutch landlords and even some Ninjas with tragic story, most war story even when they show civilian tragic they all seem to focus on one soldier group as the enemy, but here it's different, it really show the war I see bad and we all are the victims and should learn there is no use in war. If Disney would make a war movie, its this one.
andrewharjono As an Indonesian, I was really excited when this movie came out, me and my friends were planning to watch the movie together as the trailer was really amazing, oh, did I say that the movie wins the "Golden Trailer Award"?. However it is definitely not worth spending 20 quids on this H̶o̶r̶r̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ ahem, 'movie'. So ladies and gentlemen I present my review on this movie.-STORY/PLOT (OR WHATEVER): I love Indonesia's history, ask me anything regarding Indonesia, and I will answer it in a matter of seconds. However this was my first time hearing about the "Peristiwa 10 November" or is known as "Battle of Surabaya" internationally. So I thought I could learn a thing or two about the war that took place in Surabaya on November, but no, basically first quarter of the movie, we were introduced to a person called Musa, which was a young lad who works as an ordinary mailman and cleans people's shoes as side job. And then we had Yumna, Musa's crush, and Danu whom I forgot what role he had (but he was definitely one of the main characters). Instead of focusing on telling what really happened in detail, the producers of the movie decided to focus more on romance, and this turned out to be really annoying as literally, almost 70% of this movie was romance (they should rename the title to "Romance of Surabaya" hahaha, no I am serious), oh and the romance was not even good. Story was not explained clearly, I was having difficulty coping up with the storyline. What a disaster.-ART/ANIMATION: Okay, the animation or art is actually really good! I really have to give credit to Indonesia for this. Characters designs were really well done. the Environment design was breathtaking, every single sky, bird, tree was absolutely stunning. However, the animation isn't really that amazing if you compared it to let say, Japan animations, Nevertheless, GOOD JOB INDONESIA!.-Audio/Sound: With Maudy Ayunda casting as one of the main characters, what can go wrong?. Moreover, the opening and ending songs were the creations of Maudy, if you don't know who Maudy is, google her, you will thank me later.-Characters: All three main casts had horrendous characters, plain, boring, dull, and inconsistent. -Enjoyment: Except for the art, and sound, this movie is not enjoyable at all. the target audience for this movie was all ages, but as a 19 years old teenager, I certainly did not enjoy the movie at all.-Conclusion: In conclusion, Battle of Surabaya is not anywhere close to perfect, the plot was not clear, the characters are not well thought, they were inconsistent, plain, and dull. Additionally This movie focuses on romance instead of educating people about what really happened at Surabaya, and the romance was not anywhere near good. On the other hand, the art and animation are superbs, furthermore, the audio and sound are also good. But honestly, what a let down.If you seek to learn about what really happened at Surabaya on 1945, do not even bother to check this movie out. I did not learn anything from the movie, even online wikis do better job explaining than this movie (and its FREE!!!). And do not be fooled by the high ratings. I honestly do not understand how this movie managed to get rating above 5.
Gede Putra Battle of Surabaya is a heroic movie that is heart felling, wonderful, and beautifully messaged at a same time. The storyline is enough, the animation is standard- sometimes going to be so artistic, but the morale and the coda inside the movie is one of the best aspects inside this movie.With no propaganda- this is a clean animated movie, with a lot of heroic statements and also heroic character building, which made us feel this movie is a natural sensation of movie-making.The background is beautiful, with "rough" animation in a lot of scenes; a huge minus for the movie. But it still heart felling, and also wonderful. The dialogue is quite raw, but its still beautifully messaged, with a great storyline, and of course the ending, will be a memorable message for every single audience who watched it.
Mudha Dan Pingki 1) 0 point for storyline, 2) 0 point for directing, 3) 0 point for screenplay, 4) 0 point for continuity, 5) 0 point for animating, 6) 0 point for casting, 7) 0 point for dubbing, 8) +1 point for sfx, 9) +1 point for graphics, 10) +1 point for technology supporting tools, & 11/bonus) +1 bonus point for respect. Here, i tried to review this movie as honest as this is it. I cannot pretend just because this one was made by my country persons. Well I'm not a big fan of film industrial politics in Indonesia anyway, since everything could be boosted with money here. Even we can buy honor, and reputation also. Last words, just watch on your own..and be honest on rating for our good. Thanks