Balto II: Wolf Quest
Balto II: Wolf Quest
G | 19 February 2002 (USA)
Balto II: Wolf Quest Trailers

Balto and his daughter Aleu embark on a journey of adventure and self discovery.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
CinosRuddertail The first Balto was a classic we all know and love, but it was a little stifled by it's "based on a true story" nature - now, this second I actually consider BETTER. Wait, hear me out before the protests start.It's simply a great movie. The animation is lacking but that's because the movie deserved a much bigger budget and a theatrical release. Still, I forgive the animation not quite being up to Disney standards when the story is this good. The story, the songs, they're all absolutely amazing - it never feels cheesy or forced too, the journey of self-discovery our 'wolves' go through.I won't spoil anything, of course, but you certainly need to give this movie a chance. It's far beyond what kind of animation usually goes direct to DVD - the story is deep and mature, there's still plenty of childish fun moments for the kids. Should appeal to anyone, parent OR kid - and it manages to captivate both young and old minds alike.Do see it if you can. Just rent it if you must - but rest assured that if you're looking for a great family film - or just relive some of that childhood enchantment yourself, this is a perfect choice.The reason for it only getting nine stars is, sadly, the not-so-great animation.
XanaduWolf156 Yep, it's true. Another Balto movie. But it's different. This one isn't real. It never happened! All of the movie is fictional. It is understandable that the drawings of the characters are not the same as the original movie. That's where it disappointed me. Well, now...I will go over 5 topics. Plot, characters, acting, music, and graphics. I'll start with graphics, since that is what really ticked me off. I will use a scale from 1 - 10. 10 being the best.Graphics/CGI/Drawings - 3 - HORRIBLE. ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. The drawings are nothing like the original! Balto looks different, Jenna's drawing is less cute, and it seems like every 5 minutes, other characters change their drawing form. It's very poor, all in a nutshell. NOW, I'm not trying to discourage anyone, but I know a 3rd grader who could draw better wolves, dogs, foxes, birds, gooses, etc.Plot - 7 - *To Balto* "Oh no, Jenna? You married Jenna? Ho ho ho, oh AND GOT BIZ-ZAY! It's a whole family of MUTTS! Ohhh..This is just too good." NOT. Here's why... Supposedly, in every movie where the female dog gives birth to pups, there always has to be an "odd" looking one. The odd looking one is the pup that doesn't get adopted, out of 5 of puppies. And, yeah, yeah, she has the main problem in the movie. SHE WANTS TO GET ADOPTED. The Native American atmosphere is what I like, and somewhat dislike. I love Native American culture, and the theory that people crossed the Bering Strait some 35,000 years ago. It is true that Indians controlled the land at Alaska. There is a lot of references of them in the movie. What I dislike is it is HIGHLY spiritual. I mean, it's a kids movie. There is no such thing as magic. And I'm sure there is no so thing as wolves going through trees. I found that very absurd. If you like fictional, spiritual, and mysterious movies, you'll love this movie.Characters - 9 - I positively love the characters in this movie. Steele, Dixie, and other characters that didn't have a big role in the original movie never showed up in here. The only characters were Balto, Jenna, Boris, and Muk and Luk. Although, at the last 30 minutes of the movie, Jenna, Boris, and Muk and Luk never pop up again. New characters are all wolves. That's it. Period.Acting - 6 - WAH, Kevin Bacon was replaced, Brigit Fonda was replaced (Let's just say all the characters in this movie had their actors replaced)There is no correlation between the original actors, from the first movie. I hated what happened here.Music - 5 - I liked the song "Reach for the Light" by Steve Winwood, on the original Balto 1995 release, but this movie's songs are unlikable. They are also very annoying. It seemed as if the directors of this movie copied scenes from the movie "The Lion King." It just ruined the Balto series. I would have loved if the directors started the series of after the end of the first movie. When I mean after, I mean 2 days after, not 2 years.So out of 10, I give this movie a 6.
tyra jackson Well I would like to say that i enjoy the movie. The movie is about Balto and his daughter named Aleu, she later discovers that she half dog,half wolf. She goes on journey to find who she really is. At the time Balto goes and try to find his missing daughter. I enjoy the movie when I was little but since I got older I seem to notice some of the errors they did in the movie. I especially hated the ending, it was as if the writers of the movie didn't want to explain the movie fully. It annoyed me at the end that Aleu crossed the great water ( i 4got the name) anyways i thought the writers should at least shown how Aleu's pack made it thought we already know that she became the alpha of the pack. But at least have another movie to tell what happen to Aleu. But most of all i Lacey Chabert she did a wonderful job and to Marice/ Balto. The songs kinda mess up the storyline except my favorite who you really are or who are you
Kristine Since my friend lent me the movie Balto, I decided to see what the sequels were all about and also show it to my cousin, maybe he might get into it as well since he's 5 and he really liked it and so did I. Balto 2 may not have been up to par with the first Balto, but it did just as well with the story. I think because so many children could relate to where they stand in the world, they know they belong with Mom and Dad, but where does their life go? Balto now has kids, including a little wolf named Aleu, Aleu doesn't understand why her sisters and brothers were adopted and why she wasn't. Balto finally explains how she looks more like a wolf than a dog and she freaks out and runs away. Balto goes to find her, in the end, they meet another wolf pack who is running out of food and need a new leader to guide them to food and start a new generation of wolves. Aleu is finally discovering her place in the world.The animation was great and so was the story, I wish they didn't cut the ending so shortly, but I understand, kids usually have a short attention span, so it's all good. But I would recommend Balto II: Wolf Quest for a good family film to watch together. It was a really sweet and lovely film that anyone could be touched by.6/10