| 01 June 2001 (USA)
Baise-moi Trailers

Manu has lived a difficult life. Abused and violently raped, she sets off to find herself only to meet Nadine, a prostitute who has encountered one too many injustices in the world. Angry at the world, they embark on a twisted, rage-filled road trip. They choose to have sex when they please and kill when they need. Leaving a trail of mischief and dead bodies in their wake. Generating a media blitz and manhunt, soon everyone is out to capture the young fugitives.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Steineded How sad is this?
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
petarmatic I like this film because it showed true nature of some parts of French society. Plot was violent and pornographic, but original and adrenaline driven. Acting was excellent, we pay tribute to the deceased actress Karen Lancuame, who was a pornographic actress, but in this film played an excellent role and looked like a real professional actress. Other acting was excellent too.I was impressed with everything, imaginative plot, acting and directing. Camera work is excellent too. Real front runner of the New French Extremity wave of early 2000s.If you are a teen or in early 20s, and you like to watch a film which mixes violence, sex and Thelma and Louise type of one-time-shots-in-life films, this is a film for you.I strongly recommend this film.
Clockwork-Avacado Perhaps rather undeserving of being labelled one of the most controversial and "vivid" movies of all time, "Baise Moi" is perhaps most challenging in its' depiction of a seductive immorality, than in any particular "vividness" of imagery. (Altohugh it does have distinctly adult moments, with a rather alarming regularity.) This is one of those rare films which courts sensationalism, and mines it for all the perverse pleasure our characters take from being as far removed from humanity as is possible to depict. Like "A Clockwork Orange", "Baise Moi" is rather uncomfortable watching, although I can't help thinking a less explicit version could still have told the same story, and, in so doing, doubtless have attracted a far wider audience, and may not be wreathed in notoriety. Because a lot of the most successful moments in this disturbing thrill ride, are those when the power of suggestion is at its' strongest. Violence is depicted with the usual blood and thunder, but there is definitely a conscious attempt to mask some of the more extreme moments - such as our protagonists delightfully stomping, droog style, a man to death after he has suffered a particularly unpleasant and humiliating fate.The point here, is that this is indeed a very graphic film, but if the same effort had been made to mask the sex in this movie, that is made for the violence, the whole thing may have been more palatable. As it is, it's difficult to sincerely recommend this movie to someone else, because it's little short of pornography in places. This, it seems to be, need not have been the case. "Spring Breakers", by Harmony Korine, deals with a similar subject - disaffected, over-sexualised, bored girls going on a voyage of pointless, emotionless violence - but is far more successful because it knows exactly what it is doing, and is careful in its' depiction of both sex and violence, and is a truly scary movie. Instead, "Baise-Moi" is a frustrating experience, because, not only is its' depiction of sex rather striking, it is also rather unnecessary in the telling of this story, especially in its' rather single-minded obsession with oral sex. This rather makes our protagonists seem a lot less believable, because there is little empowering about this particular practise. Instead, the violence is shocking, and powerful, and the sex just seems like someone felt the need to put as much sex as possible in the movie to get it to sell. Which it doesn't need, because parts of this movie shine in unique ways.At its' best, this movie seems to recall "La Haine", five years previously, and far better constructed, in its' depiction of ennui amongst seedy, borderline criminal cases. Nadine and Manu drift around in a truly horrific world, in which things have become so bad, that they have all but lost their grip on reality. The subsequent "road trip" which they go on, is as each for purpose, for glamour, and for kicks. In a particularly harrowing scene, Nadine even finds that rape has lost its' power to shock her.The relationship between Nadine and Manu is tender, and fresh: They hang about lethargically, debating the life they are undertaking, before exploding into a fresh act of violence. NAdine discusses their "lack of good lines" during their kills, in a rather postmodern sequence which is at once chilling, funny and mesmerising. Both girls give stunningly good performances, and their friendship seems so realistic, yet strange, that it helps carry us through about twenty minutes of solid sex scenes. A more established director would have devoted far more time to their relationship, because, when they are together, these two really, really shine, but instead, they are given a few scenes together, and largely are relegated to standard interactions with other infinitely less interesting characters. The sudden frazzling out of their desires is disappointing, yet totally in character: These are two characters who, from the first time we meet htem, are combating suicidal urges, from sheer boredom, and their clinical discussions about how they are going to "go out big" are again stunning and clever.The climax is rather unsatisfying, in that it delivers a decidedly unremarkable ending to a unique story. It does little to really address the realities of these characters, instead providing a simple closure on the lives of these fictional characters. Which is a shame, as the film has courted allegory from start to finish, and raised some dangerous points. Its' rather a chapter 21 case (Clockwork Orange reference), of closure for closure's sake. But ultimately, although frustrating in its' pandering to lower common denominators, this is a vivid film in that it is morally complex in its black-for -white world view. It is still powerful, altohugh its' power to shock is rather muted by its' tendency towards stylised sexual violence. Disappointing, and tricky to watch more than once, but still a valuable movie in its' depiction of a genuine human evil.
t_atzmueller "Baise-moi" isn't the first film to combine un-simulated sex with elements of non-porn movies, actors and a "real" storyline. To mind come the infamous "Caligula", various exploitation pictures from the 70's and 80's, or Larry Clarks ill-fated "Ken Park", to name but a few.However, unlike the two movies mentioned above, who utilized explicit sex-scenes; "Baise-moi" comes across more as a porn-film that tries to disguise itself as a feminist's thriller. The basic story – two rape-victims go on a revenge-rampage – is simple, without much depth and the hardcore scenes seem randomly thrown in, for the sake of effect and scandal, rather than helping the films progress."Antagonists" Karen Bach and Raffaela Anderson definitely both can't live up to the skills of Geena Davis or Susan Sarandon; at no time able to disguise what they in reality are: porn-actresses. Same goes for the rest of the cast crew, who cannot deny the genre they've originated from (and, without doubt, will return to after this excursion into "real film"). I dare say that, in the times before straight-to-video (now internet) porn, there have been porn-productions, like the "Josefina Mutzenbacher"-films, that featured better actors and more solid story lines.It's unlikely that fans of feminist revenge-thrillers will be very interested in a film containing un-simulated sex scenes; for jaded gorehounds there is too little of that and people who're into cheap porn, well, those will know where to find that on the world wide web (or will forward during the cheap dialog and action scenes). Hence, the intended audience for this film escapes me.If you're looking for fresh, innovative or experimental thrillers with a shock-factor, I recommend the original "Funny Games" or "Man Bites Dog"; this film I can only give a sleazy 3 points from 10 and heart-felt 'je t'encule'.
Lisa Muñoz I couldn't figure out if this was porn or an exploitation movie. It should have been more about exploitation. If real sex were to be shown, it should have been about the intimacy between the two people instead of the prostitution, rape and sodomy.Baise-moi is about a lot of things, revolt, sexual violence, lust, rebellion, attack on the rich, the scums, the sleaze, the pervs, the life of slackers, drug addicts and low lives. There are so many things that I just can't put my finger on.When a movie is very confusing in a lot of senses, I don't like it. And this one was pretty muddled up. I can't feel too sorry for these girls (I didn't watch the whole of rape scene, as it was too much) because they do equally repulsive things as what was done to them. The controversy surrounding the film, as well as some outraged right wing and conservative groups trying to ban the film from premiering in France, is actually more interesting than the film itself. I'm really not sure what the directors were attempting to do with the film, either making another Thelma & Louise, but on crack, or showing that pornography is actually a violence towards women, as, both the directors and the lead actresses have experienced, in the porn industry, women are often used as objects of extreme sex, violence and humiliation.Either way, the film really doesn't merit the title of a film that changed the way people thought, it was simply trying to say something about pornography and the violence that comes with it, mixed into an indie film, that was so violent and sexually explicit that it was banned in several countries and changed several censorship titles in France.If you want a better story about nihilism, a lot violence and killings, with a clear message about why they are depicted, watch Natural Born Killers, instead.