Bad Girl Island
Bad Girl Island
| 08 December 2007 (USA)
Bad Girl Island Trailers

A wealthy film producer Michael Pace discovers a beautiful unconscious woman pushed ashore by what appears to be a friendly dolphin. Confused and captivated by the apparent supernatural events taking place around him, Michael decides to make a film about his experience with the mysterious woman from the sea. Very soon the movie that Michael is making entwines itself into his family's past, his children's lives, and the very future of their existence together. Set at the cross roads of the modern world and ancient mystical cults, "Bad Girl Island" spins a tale of murder, obsession and seduction that leads its audience into a labyrinth of intrigue, action and mysterious forces.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Uriah43 One morning while jogging on the beach a young man by the name of "Michael Pace" (Antonio Sabato Jr.) sees the body of a young woman unconscious and floating in the water. He rushes in and carries her to his large beach house and immediately summons a doctor and the local police. Although she remains unconscious the doctor gives her a clean bill of health and recommends that she remains there for the time being to rest and recuperate. When she finally awakens she suffers from apparent amnesia and doesn't recall her name. However, that doesn't stop Michael from becoming totally enamored with her and as a result they eventually end up sleeping together. But then he wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream. And the fact that it was all so vivid spurs him to produce a movie about it and as luck would have it the exact woman of his dreams comes to audition for the film. Unfortunately, there is much more about this woman than meets the eye and his dream soon turns into a terrible nightmare with catastrophic consequences for him and those he loves. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had an interesting plot, a scenic location and a couple of attractive actresses in AnnaLynne McCord (as "Simone Delacroix") and Joanna Bacalso ("Sherry Pace"). Unfortunately, the complete lack of suspense and the obvious shoestring budget really hurt this movie and left me somewhat disappointed overall. Slightly below average.
marbleann It was my monthly Netflix Sleazefest that prompted me to choose this movie. Only the first part perhaps filled the sleaze part. Antonio Sabato Jr is infatuated by some woman that just drifted ashore on a island in the Bahamas, where he lived with his family. He worked, I think, as a screenwriter. The woman is some type of entity. Is she real or not? He has dreams about her and it looks like the movie is about what he dreamed about. He doesn't trust her because she has some type of sexual affect on men. And people start ending up dead. OK I said this seems interesting. Your average sleazy mystery. The type you Shannon Tweed or Andrew Stevens. But then all of a sudden it turns into a Haitian Refugee movie. Now I am not going to say how this plays out but I have never seen anything so outrageous. All I have to say it is a revenge movie. If you are willing to see something you never seen take a look but if you get mad because you will never get the time you took to watch the movie proceed with caution. I gave it a generous 4 because James Brolin actually gave it the sleaze factor.
dkulmer This was a political statement About Haitian and Cuban immigrants on homemade rafts floating to Florida. There is no suspense or mystery is the movie is very predictable. There is a weak attempt to link voodoo to the story. But it fails. If you get past that You will listen to actors Who actually pause while reading their linesYou will see 1 actor jump into the ocean but yet multiple underwater shots show the ocean with walls and corners. You also see 1 scene Rotate tween afternoon and pitch black night.The acting is bad directions horrible And editing a joke.
plex Yeah, a lot of us watch the bad movies because they are fun. It's a real shame MST 3000 rapped up before they had a chance to skewer this celluloid tomato. I could only stomach 15 minutes in the middle of this stinker so admittedly I can only speak to what I saw, but hey, 15 minutes was enough to compel me to write this review. The basic premise is about a location shoot on an island in the "spooky" Bermuda triangle region. Apparently some mysterious force makes women go bad here, wreaking mayhem on and off the movie set. The film jumps around a lot, really bad editing, no reason. The script must have been penned by someone who knew someone who knew someone and was owed a big favor so that they also could direct. The dialog is ridiculous. The events improbable, the reactions subdued and phony. There is some dude who gets caught having sex with the lead bad girl, SImone, but his girlfriend is the forgiving type ushering him naked back to their room, while some guy is watching thru the window. Another chick freaks out when her boyfriend is kissing another girl in a movie scene. ( doesn't she know its acting, why is she even on the set?) Some dude gets stabbed for real when the prop knife malfunctions- however he doesn't let out a peep and the girl thats stabbing him doesn't feel the resistance of the blade going in? Thats one pretty sharp prop knife! Of course two seconds after the killing there just happens to be a cop, with evidence-bag in hand, who takes the knife away. No one is freaked out, no one cares, no one checks on the dead body, no one questions the girl who stabbed him or the prop-master, movie resumes shooting the next day! There's a cafeteria scene where we see a woman behave as if she is sneaking food to a little girl sitting behind her however the girl already had a full plate of food on her lap and is out in the open for all to see, so what's with the covert operation? Our veteran lead is none other than James Brolin, who went from daytime soapdom to losing his mind in Amityville Horror to end up as the token goy for uber-alpha-diva Babs Streisand. They sort of showcase him in this stinker as the Burt Reynolds' director in Boogie Nights.I'd recommend this for cheap laughs, but in good conscious, I cannot.