Bad Boy Street
Bad Boy Street
| 22 October 2012 (USA)
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Two men embark on an unconventional romance in Todd Verow's sexy Parisian-set drama. Claude finds a young man passed out in the street and, taking pity on him, decides to take him to his apartment to safely sleep. Awakening the next morning, the sexy stranger soon makes a play for his forty-something host, kick-starting a passionate romance. But will the chance meeting develop into more than just lust or will the pair's differences drive them apart? An accomplished, serious and very modern gay romance .

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
jmason68 The previous reviews prompted me to write. This film has plenty going against it. The least of which is the American accent. This is clearly intended to be seen as a love story but how are these two in love? I don't believe they share anything except sex. When Claude is first stood up his response should have been "oh well, boys will be boys" or "c'est la vie." Instead, you would have thought he'd been left at the alter. He hasn't known him a day! I wanted to like Claude but I just could not relate to how a mature man would become smitten with a boy-toy. I mean what did Brad bring to relationship other than sex. Certainly not witty conversation or a shared love of (fill in the blank). Then there was the paper signing which might have led to some insight into their hearts and minds but that went nowhere. Come on fellow mo's we have got to have higher standards for our movies. Bad Boy Street--yeeesh!
Spectator88 Bad Boy Street is a charming, feel good film from prolific filmmaker Todd Verow. Actor Yann deMonterno plays Claude, a Parisian man, who on his way home after a night out finds a younger man passed out drunk on the sidewalk and takes him home to sleep it off. The next morning begins a very quickly developing and heartwarming romance between Claude and "Brad", the younger man, played by Kevin Miranda, who is struggling with who he is and who he really wants to be. Although clearly troubled, Brad is very sweet and loving. The third principal is Catherine, played by Florence d'Azemar, Claude's closest friend, who is always there to provide him affectionate and comforting support throughout the ups and downs of his burgeoning love for Brad. All three characters are very likable and all three actors are quite wonderful. For good measure Kevin Miranda is surely one of the most beautiful men ever. Yes, the movie's scenario may be somewhat improbable but it is a touching story of love and friendship that can give hope to all. There are some technical deficiencies, for example an uneven soundtrack, but they do not detract from the film's overall enjoyment. Highly recommended!
ksf-2 The film opens with various scenes in a nightclub, with the house music cranking. In the following shot, we see one guy waking up a hottie sleeping in the street, and helping get him into bed to sleep it off. Eight minutes goes by before a word is spoken in our film. And then, it's fourteen minutes into the movie before we (and they) find out each other's name. All very mysterious, but sweet. Yann de Monterno is "Claude", a few years older than "Brad", ( Kevin Miranda ), who he brought in from the street. They have breakfast, and promise to meet up for dinner. In pops Catherine, the upstairs neighbor and best friend, who even prepares the dinner for Claude to serve to Brad; i wish I had a neighbor who would do that for me! Then things start to go haywire. Things happen. Good things. Bad things. Misunderstandings. The one flaw in the script here is the inclusion of the writer himself in the story. Claude is asked to do something 59 minutes into the story ( which I would have refused to do ), and that scene really took away from the movie for me. Verow was totally believable in the scene; i just felt the scene didn't belong in the film, as if it were added in later. They could have accomplished the same result, in so many better ways, without that three or four minutes of footage. Aside from that, excellent film. I love the friendship between Catherine and Claude... you can really feel the warmth and caring they have for each other.Written, directed, and even acted by Todd Verow, who seems to be a very prolific writer, director, actor. I'd like to see more of his films if they are available on DVD. The film quality, lighting, sound, and editing are professional-grade, much better than your typical indie film.
donwc1996 This film has a certain innocence that one just doesn't see in films these days. I'm really not sure why or even exactly how to define it, but watching this film make me feel like a kid on the verge of life's discovery. Giddy and excited, pure as the driven snow too. And I think that says pretty much not just how this film affected me but how it was written as though we lived in a new age of innocence in which everyone was untainted with sin. This probably has a lot to do with the individual who made this film and his view of the world, that we are innocent and live in innocence until proved guilty. Happily there is no guilt in this movie - it is all innocent joy, filled with a light hearted zest that makes your head swim. If more films were like this it would be a much better world and who knows perhaps this film is the beginning of a new wave of film that celebrates life rather than denigrates it.