Back to Bataan
Back to Bataan
PG-13 | 30 May 1945 (USA)
Back to Bataan Trailers

An Army colonel leads a guerrilla campaign against the Japanese in the Philippines.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Steineded How sad is this?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
utgard14 Gripping WW2 movie about the US effort to organize a guerilla defense of the Philippines against the Japanese. One of the best war movies I've seen. Rousing action, strong cast, good direction. Even though it stars John Wayne, who's very good in this, it's really an ensemble piece. Anthony Quinn has one of his best roles from the '40s here. Beulah Bondi, Paul Fix, Vladimir Sokoloff, and Fely Franquelli are among the excellent actors in the supporting cast who offer sincere performances. There are a lot of touching moments and some surprisingly tender ones, too. Particularly for a movie thought of as simply a war actioner. It's a great deal more than that. Obviously fans of Duke and Quinn should see it but I think others will enjoy it as well.
disdressed12 this is one grit filled action packed war film.the the fighting scenes are well done.the acting is very good,all around.the movie really flows very well,i also really captures the essence of how brutal the Japanese were,in several scenes.everything looks authentic and think the filmmakers were going for a high degree of realism here,and for the most part's one of those movies where you can help but feel may even feel like's that kind of movie.yet it isn't maudlin or's a very brisk paced ninety five minutes.would i watch it again?absolutely.i'd watch it again in the near future.for me,Back to Bataan is a 7/10
JimSDCal John Wayne is mostly known for the westerns he starred in, like "Stagecoach" and "The Searchers" but during the WW II era he made some good war pictures. This is one of them. It is the story of American and Filipino resistance to the Japanese' occupation of the Phillipines during WW II. Wayne plays Col. Joe Madden, an American who stays behind when the US evacuates the Pacific islands at the start of the war and heads a band of guerrillas comprised of both American soldiers and patriotic Fillipinos. One of men under Madden is Andres Bonifacio, the grandson of a famed Fillipino leader, who must accept that the woman he loves is giving aid to the enemy through radio speeches requesting that the island people submit to Japanese rule. This movie, directed by Edward Dymitryk, is based on actual events, which occurred on the island chain, and the reality of the struggle to free the Philipines from the Japanese is very compelling. So, it gets a grade of B+ and a strong recommendation. It is one of John Wayne's best movies.
wuxmup The only thing that distinguishes "Back to Bataan" from scores of other routine war films is its historical theme, which remains an uncommon and important one. Few young Americans today have even heard of the Filipino and American disaster at Corregidor and the Bataan Death March that followed, during which numerous sick and hungry prisoners of war were beaten and killed by their Japanese guards. Although the movie accurately portrays the spirit of Filipino resistance to the Japanese, the individual characters from John Wayne down are cut from the usual Hollywood cardboard. Even the real American survivors of Japanese imprisonment, filmed here some months after their liberation during the invasion of the Philippines, are shown, supposedly right after they got out of the Japanese prison camp, freshly shaved and with neatly trimmed hair. Similarly, the guerrilla force led by John Wayne looks little the worse for wear even after two and half years of jungle warfare (whixh seem like about a week in this movie).The Japanese lynching of the school principal is well handled. The man has not set out to be a hero, but put under the gun, literally, he is simply unable to haul down the American flag. The invaders hang him as an example.Despite its weaknesses, "Back to Bataan" is still watchable and even enjoyable as a different view of World War II, especially if you're a high-schooler who hasn't yet become too cynical about Hollywood war movies. John Wayne and Anthony Quinn are their usual solid selves, and Beulah Bondi (as a naive but tough American matron)is an unusual asset in this kind of action film.