Autumn Blood
Autumn Blood
R | 10 September 2013 (USA)
Autumn Blood Trailers

Two young orphans in the Tirolian Mountains come under siege by a vicious band of hunters. Frightened of being separated by child services following the death of their mother, a self-sufficient 16-year-old girl and her 10-year-old brother - who hasn't spoken a word since seeing his father killed by the mayor - strive to live off the land in peace. Their innocence is shattered, however, when a group of hunters led by the mayor's son brutalizes and rapes the free-spirited girl. Later, when a well-meaning social services worker arrives too late to protect the terrorized siblings, the girl and her brother prepare to take a stand against their ruthless attackers.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
ixlsmoot This is an intense movie from the start. In fact I the first time I watched it I didn't even realize not a word was spoken for almost the first half if the movie. The scenery is beyond beautiful and you are easily drawn into the lives of main characters. Well worth watching if you like suspense movies, not really my favorite genre but I guess it can't always be about the zombies, monsters etc. We all know the human monsters are the scariest because they can be right next door. Was a little creeped out by Gustaf Skarsgård in this role, part of why I re-watched it, hadn't started watching Vikings when I saw it first time. Had to verify that my favorite Viking was a huge creeper in this movie, was an interesting change from other roles I've seen him in. Haven't seen many of his movies due to them being Swedish but hopefully soon I can expand my viewing, he's a great actor.
Benediction I saw this movie with absolutely no expectations, and I liked it a lot. I really felt that it's a story that could have been set anywhere in the world, and even at any time in human history. If you take away some modern technology (which are really just props and not that important to the story) the movie could have been set in the stone age.If you're expecting an R-rated "rape-revenge movie" you will probably get disappointed. Because that is not what this movie is. It's a poetic and beautiful portrayal of human nature.But I believe it would have been even better if they had been brave enough to make it 100% free of dialog. It would have felt even more timeless.
hess009 There is almost no dialogue in this movie. I love that wonderful choice. Especially nowadays when every movie seems loud and overwritten. When we are overwhelmed with too many words. often we have words for nothing. Autumn Blood it is full of very dark content and unsettling moments. Yet still the atmosphere of the film is so tremendously beautiful. The story is told through wonderful artistic cinematography.I see lots of European Films, and this is a remarkable masterpiece done by a first time director. The whole subject was treated very tasteful. Especially as a woman I appreciate the sensitivity of the director. And it gives me hope that there are still many great novice filmmakers out there.
jadenyc718 Spoilers? Hmmm...I guess.I read most of the reviews and while I don't have much to say about the movie except it was boring, pretentious and predictable. I did however enjoy the reviews more than the movie itself. They were such well written (yawn) critiques of this film and I see this movie was made for them. My mind wandered throughout most of movie, looking at the trees, sky, rocks , farming equipment and is that cattle? The lack of dialog was frustrating and it gets old watching people stare at each other. I don't think an everyday movie goer would enjoy this flick , but if your in the mood to watch trees, rocks things of that sort ,and not knowing why what happened happens, go for it. I'm also kind of confused as to why the hunter ( the rapist really) (whose attractive and does not need to rape anyone, great casting...not)does what he does but doesn't look happy doing it, but yet comes back with his friends only to look sad about it. Yes. Thought provoking.(eye roll).I am a fan of Peter Stormare, love that guy he's a very versatile actor funny as hell and scary at the same time, but this movie was boooorrrriiingggg.