Attack of the Sabretooth
Attack of the Sabretooth
| 14 July 2005 (USA)
Attack of the Sabretooth Trailers

In the Fiji islands, the greedy and unscrupulous owner of the Valalola Resort Primal Park invites investors and guests for an opening party of his compound composed of hotel and zoo aiming to find partners for his discoveries. When a bunch of college smalltime thieves puts a virus in the security system to participate in a scavenger hunt, the greatest attractions of the zoo - sabretoothes from the prehistoric age developed from DNA found in fossils - escape, killing the hosts and guards for fun.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
kai ringler i don't think that this movie is quite as bad as most of the people say on here, yeah the acting ain't the greatest, and the plot is stretched to say the least, but what do you honestly expect when you rip off Jurassic Park .. come on people.. this time it's the dreaded Sabre Tooth Tiger there are 3 total in the movie,, and one is just plain ugly and deformed, the kids in this movie are on a scavenger hunt, and disable the security system, leaving pandora's box wide open for the large feline species to get out of their habitat. I really had a laugh when the first guy messed up and chased his piece of porno mag into the secured gate area, upon trying to fetch it he winds up as the main course for one of the cats, overall i wish people wouldn't bash this , it wasn't intended to be a blockbuster,, it was on sci-fi late at night . so folks what does that tell you..
Scarecrow-88 Three giant sabretooth tigers(..created in a laboratory from mitochondrial DNA, a "genetic breakthrough" derived from fossil material)are on the rampage accidentally set free through a series of events(such as a computer geek's introduced virus in order to unlock security measures keeping the resort novelty shops closed during construction & a security guard's leaving a gate open while searching for the missing page from a porn mag that flew away in the breeze)that threaten the lives of those it comes in contact with. The tigers are always hungry, but are unable to digest what they eat. So pretty much the tigers just rip their prey to shreds. Victims include a group of college kids(..the stereotypes include a goth girl, jock and tech nerd), security personnel, and those somewhat developed rich scoundrels who we can easily despise and wish horrible death.Rounding out a series of bad sci-fi channel flicks, Attack of the Sabretooth has some of the most wretched computer simulated animals I've seen yet. And, the final death sequence is so putridly presented, you'll demand within the deepest recesses of your soul the time spent on this truly awful exercise in the creature feature canon. There's some good dark humor deriving from heads being torn from necks, but even here the prosthetic work is unconvincing. Prosthetic body parts and blood aplenty as victims are pounced upon, crying for help and receiving none. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, repeating myself in every user comment I write for these sci-fi channel flicks. I think maybe it's time to move on to other kinds of cinema. Robert Carradine has a role as a ruthless businessman who is being wooed by his truly repellent ex-brother-in-law, Nicholas Bell, the one opening "Primal Park", a resort / zoo featuring genetically created sabretooth tigers as it's major attraction. Stacy Haiduk, still quite yummy, is a security officer who attempts to convince Bell to get the investors he hopes to goad into putting money in his multi-million dollar project to leave the island. Brian Wimmer is Haiduck's lover and his role is a mechanic keeping operations running smoothly.Bell's fate at the end, resulting from a dislodged tooth from a sabretooth tiger statue is the pits. Carradine spends a great deal of the film taunting Bell, his arch nemesis. The tiger's point-of-view shows humans in a bright color as it moves towards them. The film ultimately consists of characters walking through darkened corridors(..the tech nerd's virus cut off the power)worried for their safety. The college kids commit breaking and entering to score certain items needed('s a scavenger hunt type of activity)to enter a fraternity / sorority. The cast playing these kids do not rise above their clichés.
Claudio Carvalho In the Fiji islands, the greedy and unscrupulous owner of the Valalola Resort Primal Park invites investors and guests for an opening party of his compound composed of hotel and zoo aiming to find partners for his discoveries. When a bunch of college smalltime thieves puts a virus in the security system to participate in a scavenger hunt, the greatest attractions of the zoo – sabretoothes from the prehistoric age developed from DNA found in fossils – escape, killing the hosts and guards for pleasure.The incredibly lame and cheap "Attack of the Sabretooth" is one of the worst movies I have recently seen. The characters are awful and not funny or pleasant and the story is a terrible Jurassik Park rip-off with a bad collection of clichés. Basically all the lines and situations are poor and stupid, but the winner is when the guard explains that the sabretoothes are bulimic and like to kill for pleasure. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "O Ataque do Dente de Sabre" ("The Attack of the Sabretooth")
Anonymous369 THIS MOVIE WAS THE GREATEST MOVIE I'D EVER SEEN. If you're ever in the mood for an amazing movie, regardless of what kind of genres you like, this movie is for you. It is for everyone. Attack of the Sabretooth contains every element of a cinematic masterpiece. It is basically the greatest thing humanity has ever created. Seriously. I'm not being sarcastic, I've never had a better 90 minutes in my entire life. YOU MUST WATCH THIS MOVIE. TEN OUT OF TEN. I WILL NEVER WATCH ANY OTHER MOVIE IN MY LIFE. THIS IS THE ONLY THING I NEED. IN LIFE. NOT JUST MOVIES. THE ONLY THING I WILL DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE IS WATCH THIS OVER AND OVER. AND CRY WITH JOY. I LEFT MY WIFE FOR THIS MOVIE.