Attack of the Killer Donuts
Attack of the Killer Donuts
NR | 17 July 2016 (USA)
Attack of the Killer Donuts Trailers

A chemical accident turns ordinary donuts into blood thirsty killers. Now it's up to Johnny, Michelle and Howard to save their sleepy town from...Killer Donuts.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Granted, I knew that I was getting into a low-budget movie here. Just the title alone says it all. But hey, chances were that it could actually be as fun as "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", so I gave the movie a chance.It was not even close to being near "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". Not even by a long shot.This was indeed a low budget movie, i. every sense of the term."Attack of the Killer Donuts" had incredibly laughable effects. It was suffering from an even more horrible storyThe acting performances in the movie were actually adequate, taking into consideration the genre and budget of the movie.There were a few scenes here and there to make you laugh, otherwise a very dull and pointless movie.
O2D This movie seems like a Roger Corman flick, just a lot better. There's basically no plot or budget or wide shots but somehow it's still not too bad. So it's about a 30 year old man who still lives at home with his 35 year old mom and elderly uncle. The uncle has invented a re-animation serum that can somehow re-animate things that were never animated, like donuts. We see three cars in this movie and through the use of the tight shot they almost make you believe that they are on roads but if you pay attention, it's clear they are not. At one point they even drive through an area where there appears to be snow on the ground. Maybe they're in a cold place? Well considering that we clearly see 2 of the 3 license plates and they are California and Florida, I doubt that. Not to be out done, the extremely fake cop car has a plate from a different state. The donut shop is obviously an empty store front they rented. They even make a fake soda label, while turning the Shasta bottles so you can't read the whole label. There's just so much stuff that doesn't make sense. After the stars get fired/quit the donut shop they have no problem getting in it in the middle of the night. The girl is wearing a sleeveless rock band t-shirt like she's a 40 year old metal fan in the 90s and for the majority of the movie you can see large portions of her bra. In the morning when she wakes up after sex not only is her bra on but it's a different bra. I could spend all day tearing apart this movie but I'm done. Still better than anything Cruise, Clooney or Pitt ever did.
Michael Ledo John Blake Wentworth (Justin Ray) works at the Dandy Donuts with Michelle (Kayla Compton). Due to circumstances the donuts at the establishment become animated, grow teeth and start killing.This is typically a film that I love. It created great characters. Unfortunately they didn't know how to use the characters or give them great dialogue. The donuts made noises resembling that of tomatoes when they attack. Michelle did a near Snuffles the Quick Draw dog when she ate a donut, but fell short of completing it. Certainly the film had great potential but fell through the donut hole.Guide: F-word. Sex. No nudity.
atinder I saw this last night, I wanted too see something fun, silly, (after long week at work), this was perfect for me. It was a lot better then I expected to be. ( unfortunately I have seen Rise of the Animals 2011, which was really horrendous bad, I seen my share of some really bad movies, with really low budget) and this is not one them, no were near. However saying that, the budget is low, which dose show in places from the movie.Like at the start, where the male lead, who I think looked a little to old too play his role, as for a time I thought his mum was is wife! ( that one of the down side).I enjoyed the rest of it, there were some very funny moments, I laughed a number of times, some jokes did fall a little flat at times.I enjoyed how the donuts attacked people, it was really well done, (it reminded me a lot of Attack of the killer tomatoes, Which I really liked) Some of the death scenes were very creative and very funny, one of them will be very memorable. The acting was okay, for this kind of movie, I have seen a lot worse (Backslasher (2012) which is UN-watchable) this is not!I will definitely watch this movie again,( what the hell, I'm going to watch it again tomorrow) I'm going to give this 7 out of 10 Please let there be a sequel
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