Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Jersey Shore Shark Attack
R | 09 June 2012 (USA)
Jersey Shore Shark Attack Trailers

Many years ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jersey Shore attacks. But that's just a legend... or is it? It's a holiday weekend on the Jersey Shore and, unbeknownst to anyone, underwater drills have attracted dozens of albino bull sharks to the pier. When a man goes missing, TC (The Complication), Nookie and friends fear the worst and plead with the police chief to close down the beach. It isn't until a famous singer is eaten alive during a performance on the pier that the shark hunt begins. Now, the Preppies must work together with the Guidos in order to save the Jersey Shore and its inhabitants from another vicious slaughter.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
John Noonan When a film starts off with "Come in, I won't bite you. Unless you want me to" and goes downhill from there you know you are in trouble.Total waste of time, from the script (see above) to the special affects (sharks look like kids bathtub play things) , there is nothing good about this movie. The acting is what you would expect from the TV show, so, umm, not good.I think it is the first film I have seen in a while that I can think of nothing at all good to say about it.SyFy channel are known for their cheesiness, they outdid themselves this time. Unless you are a fan (and even then) avoid.
gavin6942 Many years ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jersey Shore attacks. But that was just a legend... or is it? I love how the cover quote says this film is better than "The Avengers". Either that guy was paid a lot of money, was on some really good prescription medication, or was willing to sell his soul and lie just to get his name on the cover of a DVD.I also love how the producer and second unit director is Fred Olen Ray, pretty much the modern master of the B movie. This film does not have Ray's style to it, though, so I am a bit curious which parts were second unit.Sadly, I must confess that overall this was not a terrible movie. While more comedy than horror, they really pulled all the stops in capturing the "Jersey Shore" feel with muscles, guidos, and fake tans. The actors chosen were excellent for their respective parts, and even a few bigger names -- Paul Sorvino, Joey Fatone -- made appearances. I am a bit impressed.Great film? No. But actually somewhat better than much of what the SyFy network produces.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Well, if you're going to make fun bad movies, why not use them to also make fun of popular culture. Jersey Shore Shark Attack is both SCy-Fy's latest creature feature as well as being a lampoon of the popular TV show Jersey Shore. This is, for what it is, an incredible idea. Most of the time you only watch these films for the bad effects and monster attacks. Everything else is just filler. They usually cram in some mumbo jumbo science talk, or a vendetta with the beast which results in terrible performances. Here those filler scenes have been turned into bizarre and OTT parodies of people that are bizarre and OTT to begin with. It's a great way to pass the time. If you hate these people then laugh at them, if you like them you'll appreciate some of the nods it makes. There are also some cameos such as Vinny from the real life Jersey Shore playing a news reporter and reading his lines off cue cards. There's also Joey Fatone as himself in a self-deprecating role. It's a lot of fun, if you like stupid corny movies.
MartianOctocretr5 The title is an invitation to watch some brain dead clowns get chased by fish with big teeth. Kitschy craziness is promised, and this latest in SyFy channel low budget mutant shark movies delivers enough to make the joke work.The cast of look-alikes did a great job of spoofing their infamous reality show counterparts. The girl doing Snooki was a dead ringer for her. She and the others had their English-slaying "Joyzee" speech down pat, and the patented stupidity of JS's regulars was a good fit for this type of movie.Enter the sharks. Like a zillion other movies like this made on the cheap, the sharks are the result of evil corporate America. The special effects were deliberately cheap and fake looking, and are so bad they're funny. Plenty of red dye gets tossed around, but no real grisly scenes, so the comic approach works.Obviously not to be taken seriously. How can anybody fault sharks or be afraid of them for going after these dummies? If anything, you'll root for the sharks.