Attack of the Gryphon
Attack of the Gryphon
PG-13 | 27 January 2007 (USA)
Attack of the Gryphon Trailers

In a mystical land torn apart by civil war, a warrior princess must team up with a rival warrior prince to hunt down an evil sorcerer who has summoned a giant flying demon which is terrorizing their land.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Justice Evans Stuck on the public bus from San Jose to Montezuma, Costa Rica, and as an American accustomed to barbaric dragons and sorcerer flicks, this was not only surprising, but wonderful.We boarded the bus at 6:30am, content in the knowledge that after 5 hours, we would be arriving on the tropical Pacific beach at Montezuma, on the western peninsula in Costa Rica. It was unsurprising, however, to find that a movie chosen by the bus driver on the bus was of American heritage, as American Consumerism and Capitalism are running rampant all over this military-free nation. 50 percent of Costa Rica's GDP comes from the export of fruits and sugar...51 percent come from tourism and for those of us lucky enough to be white AND choosing the public transit system to the coast, SCI-FI channel's "Attack of the Gryphon" gave us a taste of home (though we had to read the English sub-titles as they had graciously chosen the Spanish over-dubbing for the 4 Tico's on board.)I could summarize and critique this fine film for you, but will not. Basically, it sucked. Besides the 10 minute break where we were allowed off of the bus to eat gallo pinto for breakfast and watch the bus driver re-start "Attack of the Gryphon" for the second time after the climatic battle between good woman and man warriors and evil sorcerer, the film was mostly ignored. As I'm sure it was ignored on whichever Friday night it was played on SCI-FI Channel.Don't bother ever paying money for this movie. If it happens to be on, and you happen to be stuck on a tour bus... f*** it. Its not totally completely horrible.
bth2004 What can I say? Some films just plain suck. Whether they are cheaply done or filled with bad actors or have a bad director or whatever, some just aren't good. This is one of those for most every reason you can name.First, the acting. I don't think I've seen any of these actors before (except the one who was the wizard, I have seen him in something; personally, I thought his performance was the only one in this that was worth anything), and I'm not broken up about it. Not a one was worth much at all. Amber Benson was especially bad (to everyone who likes her and thinks she's hot and everything, sorry; she's cute, but that doesn't make up for terrible acting). Jonathan LaPaglia was pretty bad too.Next, the effects. Does anybody agree that the Gryphon effect was one of the worst CGI's in the history of CGI? Dear Lord above save us from such atrociousness! They should have spent more on that one and less on everything else! Finally, the plot. Nothing too original here, and some was cheesy-cliché--the prince and princess sleeping together (that scene was a blatant rip-off of Troy!), the two nations working together (multiple fantasy and sci-fi movies), the nations reuniting into one at the end (blah blah blah).Don't waste brain matter watching this movie. It just is not worth it. And for the love of God, don't buy or rent it! Don't' encourage these morons to make anything else.
bobwildhorror God bless the Sci Fi Channel. It never ceases to amaze me with its ineptitude. And GRYPHON may well be something of a pinnacle. I dare you to find a film that features a more pathetic CGI creature.Beyond that, we get a plot that seems to toss every Harry Potter cliché imaginable at its audience. I can picture a bunch of guys in the Sci Fi Channel's boardroom shaking their heads in unison with an executive's ranting."What this story needs is more magic." "Yes, RJ." "And some knights. I like knights. They could fight each other with swords.""Yes, RJ.""And don't forget the women. We could make them witches. Witches in tight costumes. Did they have rubber suites back then?""Whatever you say, RJ."It probably didn't happen that way, but it might as well have. The only pleasure here is seeing the painfully miscast Larry Drake struggle to deliver lines that sound like they were written to entertain kindergarteners.
kelemarius Listen to my advice and don't spend any time with this one ! You've been warned ! I feel pity for the great places shown in this movie which otherwise paint the wonderful scene of Transilvanian land, like the Castle of Corvinesti in Hunedoara. But sadly, I feel no pity for the movie, directors and crew, they took the money and produced nothing out of it .... And the 3D animation of the gryphon, that is a real joke ! Sorry, a kid could have made it better with a pencil ! The dialogues are childish and with nothing to be added from actors, they make no more than a cheap story told by a bored grandmother ! I can't understand why the foreigners were put to speak in romanian when the cast is 90% romanians which speak English ! Weird .