At First Sight
At First Sight
PG-13 | 15 January 1999 (USA)
At First Sight Trailers

A blind man has an operation to regain his sight at the urging of his girlfriend and must deal with the changes to his life.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
juneebuggy There I said it. I just like everything about this movie even though (if I'm honest) this time through I did find Val Kilmer's perpetual goofy grin and childlike ways kind of off putting (unsexy) On a plus this was made back when he still looked "Top Gun" good and the initial massage sequences are very sensual.Kilmer plays Virgil Adamson a blind masseur who falls in love with one of his clients (Mira Sorvino). He goes home with her to New York and agrees to undergo a risky operation to restore his sight. The outcome however is not what anyone could have predicted and leaves him longing for his former sightless world.Ultimately, besides being a great romance this movie made me think about "seeing" in a whole new way especially in how your brain processes vision. Kilmer does do a great job showing Virgil's struggles in that respect. Based on a true story. 12.13
Raul Faust "At First Sight" is a beautifully made romance film about a guy who's been blind since always and falls in love with a girl that helps him finding sight. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen as planed, but has such a good story anyways.The actors are very sensible, their conversations are so well made (congratz Steve Levitt) that leave many philosophical thoughts to the spectator. How would life be without sight? How would we imagine things we've never seen? Virgil (or Val Kilmer) has such an aggressive expression, I felt like he was about to spank someone eventually. Don't know if it was intended, but that was my impression.So, this film is one of those rare romances that entertain and the time seems to fly, so I surely recommend this to everyone.
MovieAddict2016 I saw this film on AMC and part way through it, I felt as if I had seen it before. Then I realized I was thinking of the 1990 Penny Marshall film "Awakenings," starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro."At First Sight" is a true story about a blind man who temporarily regains his sight, then goes blind again. "Awakenings" was about a comatose man who woke up temporarily, then slid back into a comatose.Oh, and by the way, they're both written by the same guy.For what it's worth, "Love At First Sight" is actually a pretty likable and overall watchable film. It's not great or anything unpredictable (how convenient - the female love interest) but Kilmer gives a remarkable performance (all considered) and there are a few moments in hte film that are a BIT out of the ordinary.Worth watching, but don't go out of your way or anything.
pzilliox I have conflicting feelings about different elements of this movie.Great premise. It's uniqueness was what kept me "in the film." -- Val Kilmer: A workmanlike effort to look and act the part, both as a blind man and as recently-sighted person. Forced storyline doesn't give him much time to develop believable reactions to plot elements. -- Mira Sorvino: As beautiful and likable as ever. Nice subtlety to her expressions and inflections helps us suspend our disbelief now and again during the film. -- Supporting cast: Kelly McGillis chews the scenery. Nathan Lane always does a good job, but isn't on screen much. Steven Weber is a bit wooden (again, mostly the script's fault) but manages to be a suitably smarmy ex-husband. -- Camera-work: Most of the scenes are visually rather pretty. Given the challenges of showing the POV of a disoriented, newly-sighted person, not a bad effort -- Plot: Sloppy, with forced emotions, mismatched scenes, unnecessary subplots, and loose ends. -- Dialogue: Horribly contrived and stilted. Lots of unrealistic monologuing. -- Storyline: prior to his operation, most of the plot elements seem lifted from old Longstreet episodes. The small town is completely cardboard. In New York after operation, things are less cliché, more inventive, but still a struggle.OVERALL AVERAGE: 5. Not great. May be worth seeing because of the unique premise, but if you skip it, you're not missing much.