The Accused
The Accused
R | 14 October 1988 (USA)
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After a young woman suffers a brutal rape in a bar one night, a prosecutor assists in bringing the perpetrators to justice, including the ones who encouraged and cheered on the attack.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Adithya Siva There are so many rapes which take place in every country around the world, every minute. Many people hardly do anything about it, and this movie focuses on that. It explores a lot of themes, mainly, that instigators are just as responsible for rape, as the actual perpetrators are. The complexity of the lead character, and her lawyer are commendable, being that this was among the very first movies which dealt with rape on a huge basis. Towards the end, there is the recounting of the rape, which might be highly disturbing for some to see, but this is what happens around us, and many of us hardly do anything about it. Jodie Foster is exceptional in her truly well deserved Oscar performance here. Kelly McGillis, herself a rape victim, plays a lawyer with tremendous character. This is high intensity drama at its best, and explores situations where the woman is put the blame upon for wearing over-revealing clothes, or behaving in a certain way so as to attract males, which is false, of course. Flirtatious, or being over-friendly does not account for the woman saying yes to her opposite sex, which many males mistake even today. And this ends up in rape, and leads to disgusting "reasoning" for their actions. It is highly imperative that all of us watch this movie, and learn a lesson.
SnoopyStyle Ken Joyce runs out of a bar and calls the police about a rape. A disheveled Sarah Tobias (Jodie Foster) runs out soon after. Kathryn Murphy (Kelly McGillis) is the deputy district attorney taking the case. She is not happy with her drunkenness and drug test. They return to find the rapists still at the bar. Sarah is not the perfect victim and Kathryn is pessimistic about a conviction with no friendly witnesses. Kathryn does a deal angering Sarah. After Sarah is hospitalized confronting one of the cheering witnesses, Kathryn decides to charge the others who cheered on the rape.Jodie Foster is simply magnificent. She probably has less screen time than Kelly McGillis but her performance is on full power. She doesn't play an easy character. It is a fully realized complicated character.
thesar-2 Not to get all political, but this movie, now 25 years old – and still one of my all-time favorites, holds up today. Meaning, I've been hearing a lot of recent chatter from a lot of outspoken conservative stations and advocates that women that dress proactively probably deserves the rape she got.Now, I'm sure that's a select few radicals – and sad, pathetic and misled idiots – but, that's what The Accused is mostly about.Enter Jodie Foster's first well-deserved Oscar for Sarah Tobias. She's partying, drinking and doping at a dive bar when a trio of bad men gang rape her, in the bar, in plain sight. Enter (should've also won an Oscar) Kelly McGillis as DA lawyer Kathryn Murphy who cares about winning a case against the rapists. Unfortunately for Sarah, this slam-dunk win would involve plea bargaining and lessens the meaning of justice and level of pain Sarah had to endure.In one of my all-time favorite scenes, and one that chokes me up each and every time I revisit this movie, Sarah confronts Kathryn in her home at Kathryn's high-class dinner party and lets her know she has no feelings. I just summed it up, without trying to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it.But, it needed to be printed, because that's the main course of the film: Justice, and redemption, for Sarah, means getting ice-cold Kathryn to melt a little and fight harder for Sarah and any woman that never, ever deserves to be raped.Of course, the movie portrays Sarah as "a low life, trailer-trash, pot-smoking drunk," but never once…there's NEVER A MOMENT that I ever switch sides and feel she deserved it. I've been a juror twice – and an alternative once, and I know you have to listen to all the evidence first, but it would be extremely hard for me to not immediately make up my mind within the opening remarks.That all said, this is a powerful, interesting, emotionally driven and thought provoking film that should be seen by all. It's incredibly well shot and absolutely had Oscar-worthy performances by the two leads."You don't understand how I feel! I'm standing there with my pants down and my crotch hung out for the world to see and three guys are sticking it to me, a bunch of other guys are yelling and clapping and you're standing there telling me that that's the best you can do. Well, if that's the best you could do, then your best sucks! Now, I don't know what you got for selling me out, but I sure as sh|t hope it was worth it!" – Sarah Tobias.Tell me, she didn't deserve her 1st Oscar.
Joxerlives The Accused came at a time when attitudes towards sex crimes was very much changing. It is commendable that it is actually so even handed, Jodie Foster's character goes to the police who believe her and their investigation is faultless. After we get into the courts things get trickier, Kelly McGillis DA must balance the demand for a trial with the appeal for a plea bargain which will spare the victim the ordeal and have more certainty of a conviction. Is she right or is she wrong? Once we get to the part where they start to prosecute the other bar patrons for cheering on the rapists you're really placed in a moral quandary, should these men be prosecuted even though they placed no part in the crime? Did they in a dark and noisy bar having been drinking all night even realise what was going on?Goes without saying that we have terrific performances from Foster and McGillis (whatever happened to her? with this, Top Gun and Witness she was a massive star in 1980s but then just seemed to stop making films altogether?). It's a brave decision in that Foster's character to basically be the DA's nightmare witness, admitting that she was drunk and drugged, had been dressed provocatively and dancing suggestively with her attackers (her strengths are that she has visible injuries and reported the crime immediately). The rape scene itself is horrible (never actually watched it, just fast forwarded through)but necessary to bring home the enormity of the crime.The ending is pretty downbeat and somehow a little disappointing although what did we expect? A good film although hard to watch