Last Weekend
Last Weekend
| 29 August 2014 (USA)
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When an affluent matriarch gathers her dysfunctional family for a holiday at their Northern California lake house, her carefully constructed weekend begins to come apart at the seams, leading her to question her own role in the family.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
gregorybnyc A wealthy family gathers for a final summer weekend at their beautiful stone home on Lake Tahoe. Mom (played with her patented elegant glow by Patricia Clarkson) and Dad have decided to sell. Things are not boding well for this family gathering. One son has been fired from his job with a financial firm over an expensive clerical error. He arrives in a bad mood and everyone puts up with his insufferable, whiny behavior. The other son, who is gay and works in the film industry, has brought a friend with whom he is forming an attachment that doesn't quite feel like a relationship, and invited a female movie star friend. He is simply embarrassed by his mother's shallow, acquisitive behavior (at one point, Mama plunks down a considerable amount of money on artsy farmer's market things). Nobody is connecting in this family. Mom is a snob. Dad is remote. The kids bicker and look awkward. Throughout the first two-thirds of the film, I wanted to strangle Mom and the kids. But the skill of the actors are what keeps you watching. When there is some sort of sea change in the family, they become a little more likable. But I'm never quite sure why. At the end of the weekend, the son doesn't tell his mother about his work woes, and she doesn't tell either son that she's planning to sell their beloved summer home (though there is some doubt that this will actually happen). I suppose the family games will continue. This is a very well-made film with a strong cast, goo direction, excellent sets, good camera work. Did we need to have the trio from Mozart's COSI FAN TUTTE yet again (this has to be the fourth time I've heard it used on a soundtrack). The film's faults can be directed at a very weak screenplay. I'm not looking for a tidy denouement, but I do rather insist that things make at least a little sense.
tracieg-95-395578 Drab, boring, pointless, and ever so long (and it's only 93 minutes). Did they not give Patricia Richardson a script before the shoot? This is a movie about a family and some friends gathering together over a holiday weekend at the family "cabin" in Lake Tahoe. There seems, however, to be no plot--or if there is one, it is disjointed, lumbering, and completely inane. Dialogue doesn't appear to be prepared in advance and is s...l...o...w. Character interactions have no focus. There are no cohesive conversations -- every word begets conflict. If they are trying to irritate us into oblivion, then this movie is a success. Otherwise, it is anything but.
jenniemcmanus I have to agree that this is a brave film - but it is brave because, if one can see the subtleties and nuances of the family dynamic and the experience of the main character, then one will understand what this film is truly about. Yes, it is a study of privilege - of the nouveau riche and their children - but it is more than that. It is the study of the beginnings of a catastrophe where only some are aware the measure of a life changing event.Only those who have gone through the beginnings of a loved one's dementia health crisis will identify what is truly transpiring. What we are seeing here is the beginning of a failing memory, and how the character is choosing to deal with it. She is the rock upon which the family is built and she is no longer sure of the geographical boundaries. She is a woman who has built a life based upon control of every situation, real or imagined, but is faced with the ultimate lack of control.I know her.Bravo! Brava!
Billy Locke Don't miss the stellar Patricia Clarkson and a simply wonderful cast in the satisfying comedy LAST WEEKEND. It made me feel at home (and a bit homesick as well). Everybody can relate to this movie. All families are rich in character and navigating a family get together always leads to something unexpected.Tom Dolby and Tom Williams are a picture perfect team. They expertly displayed their innate ability to capture the essence and complications of family and crisis. I highly recommend this movie, it is a job well done.