April Captains
April Captains
| 21 April 2000 (USA)
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Story of the 1974 coup that overthrew the right-wing Portuguese dictatorship--which continued the fascist policies of long-time dictator Antonio Salazar--and of two young army captains who were involved in it.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Filipe Neto Directed by Maria de Medeiros (actress that brought to this film her experience in Hollywood), this film is based on the Carnation Revolution, which depicts, and has a script by Maria de Medeiros and Ève DeBoise. The cast is headed by Maria de Medeiros, Joaquim de Almeida and Stefano Accorsi.The facts of this film succeed in April 1974: Portugal lives over a dictatorial conservative government for over forty years. Four years earlier, its main leader, António Salazar, died, but the country has not changed much: the political rights of citizens were few and the country was living focused on the war effort that held in its African colonies. Tired of that war and inspired by soviet propaganda, the Portuguese military decides to revolt, to install a military government and head towards Socialism. This is the story of a military coup that overthrew a dictatorship, an Empire and almost led to the establishment of a communist People's Republic in the westernmost corner of Europe.The Carnation Revolution is one of the major turning points in the history of Portugal but is still subject of debate, controversial and lit opinions in the country. We can also say that the Revolution was more this film's coup: it was a process of almost ten years, in which it won major breakthroughs but also committed huge injustices. It's nice to have a movie portraying this moment of Portuguese history, but would have been better a deeper film, less stilted, sensationalist or militant, because it would have shown better all the social divisions and different opinions and feelings of the people who lived that moment. That emotional and less politically committed side of events didn't appears in this film, which is basically leftist propaganda to the so-called "ideals of April."
carlosbalula A true story about a true revolution, 25 of April ; a revolution against a repressive regime of 41 years, that was imposing a colonial war on it's military's, for maintaining an empire (Angola, Mozambique, Guine-Bissau, Cabo Verde, S. Tomé e Principe; the first and the last of the great colonial empire's of Europe) of 600 years, since it's beginning in the conquest of Ceuta in 1415; a revolution by the army for the people, and for a democratic Portugal; the most's surprising fact in this revolution is that it were no people killed in it (except those that died in the hand's of PIDE, the political police of the State, during a brutal gunfire against an unarmed crowd protesting in front of it's headquarters in the day of the revolution, in 25 of April 1974, has it show's on the film).And has all revolutions it has it's heroes, one them of was Captain Salgueiro Maia, a returned soldier from the war, whose convictions along with the rest of the army, was that they were fighting (since 1961) a hopeless war, and that sometimes a soldier has to disobey it's country.
esteban1747 Probably the first Portuguese film I have seen in my life, and I enjoyed it. The plot is related of how the young army officers took the power in Portugal in 1974, to finally defeat the fascist government of Caetano and to also finalize the wars in the colonies, i.e. Mozambique, Angola, and Guinea (Bissau)- Cape Vert. Most of the events shown in the film reflect with exactitude the behavior of the army officers and soldiers to conduct the coup, of the oppressed people, who were very happy with this new development and the liberty, the resistance of Caetano's men, and also in a subtle way of most conservative officials, including Spinola, who took over as the new president. The Portuguese revolution can be remembered because of the action of several young officers, but for me the most interesting part of the film was when the young captain expressed that Portugal should develop itself democratically, and this is what the country achieved some years after this coup or revolution. The film also shows that the army officers and soldiers never wanted to kill anyone; even the most serious enemies were respected at the end.
philippBarnstorf You know? Our spirit is based on that revolution, it's asleep... I can explain, I think!! Well... Until that happen on 25th April 1974, our freedom was limited, we didn't had liberty of speech, but when we got it at the revolution, it seems that Portuguese People lost his opinion, we don't use our liberty of speech! That's all a consequence of the revolution! I think that's clear!... About the movie... I think that it has a few mistakes on some character's acting, but by the way I use to watch on Portuguese movies it's quite good!! I like it very much!
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