Apache Uprising
Apache Uprising
NR | 29 December 1965 (USA)
Apache Uprising Trailers

Various stage coach passengers and outlaws travelling through Indian country are forced to join forces against the Apaches.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
kevin olzak 1965's "Apache Uprising" was number 6 out of the 13 B-Westerns produced at Paramount by A.C. Lyles in the mid 60s, crammed full of incidents taken from better known titles, particularly John Ford's "Stagecoach." Rory Calhoun and Arthur Hunnicutt make an interesting team of drifters riding shotgun on a stagecoach to Lordsburg; like Berton Churchill, there's a corrupt businessman (Robert H. Harris) carrying a load of cash, and like Claire Trevor, there's a woman of ill repute (Corinne Calvet). The threat of Apache attack is of course present, along with the more immediate danger posed by deadly gunmen Gene Evans and an especially mean spirited DeForest Kelley, their boss (John Russell) only a few paces behind, just waiting to complete that big payday. Smaller roles are essayed by Richard Arlen, Donald Barry, George Chandler, and two actors making their final screen appearances, the still attractive Jean Parker ("Dead Man's Eyes," "Bluebeard") and Johnny Mack Brown, reduced to playing a lecherous sheriff. Best of all is Lon Chaney, now 6 for 6 in Lyles Westerns, doing the Andy Devine role of coach driver Charlie Russell, a hard drinking, lovable bear of a man, laughing and enjoying life no matter the danger. Present for 8 of the 13 Paramounts, Chaney rejoices in his biggest part yet, and happily survives to the very end. Despite so many familiar elements, Lyles makes it all work in unpredictable fashion, with John Russell getting his just desserts, while DeForest Kelley gets off lightly (offscreen, sad to say).
MartinHafer I have been on an A.C. Lyles kick recently--seeing about a dozen of his movies in the last week. This producer was known for making low-budget westerns in the 1960s that feature actors who were well past their prime. In other words, old guys--VERY old guys. Sometimes this didn't work very well (such as during fight scenes between VERY aged actors) but generally I like the films, as the actors, though out of fashion, still have it in most cases. And, interestingly, Lyles used many of the same actors in many of his films--and Richard Arlen in apparently ALL of them! This film stars Rory Calhoun and also features the likes of Lon Chaney, DeForrest Kelley, John Russell (all frequent Lyles performers), Gene Evans, Corinne Calvet, Johnny Mack Brown, and Red Barry. Brown, Kelley and Barry both were once big names in TV and B-westerns and it's nice to see them here.The film begins with Jim Walker (Calhoun) and Bill Gibson (Arthur Hunnicutt) being attacked by Apache warriors. They manage to fight their way out and discover among the Indian dead souvenirs the Apache took of recent attacks on the US Cavalry. They soon meet up with some soldiers (led by Arlen) and inform them of what they found. Well, oddly, no one in town seems to believe them--thinking Walker and Gibson are over-blowing the problem. And so, the local stage decides to go anyway--even with the possibility of crazed Indians waiting to attack. Oddly, Walker and Gibson agree to go along on the stage to help protect the passengers. Unfortunately, a super-crazy hired gun (Kelley) is on board--and he's a born trouble-maker. You just KNOW that sooner or later, he and Walker are going to have it out once and for all. However, it becomes a lot more interesting when the gunman, his friend and his boss suddenly take everyone hostage. Now, the folks might not need to worry about the Apache. What's next? See the film and find out yourself.In many ways, this film seems a bit like a reworking of the film "Stagecoach". It is NOT a remake--it just has a LOT of similarities--such as the 'hooker with a heart of gold' (Calvet) and the embezzler. Because of this, there's not a lot of originality here, though it was made more enjoyable due to Kelley's VERY florid performance. While not quite as enjoyable, Chaney was also quite good as a grizzled old coot. But, if the you watch the film, understand it is NOT high art! There are lots of sloppy problems with it--more than you'd usually find in a Lyles film. For example, there is a scene where Evans and Calhoun have a fist-fight--and it's VERY obvious they're using stunt-men. Heck, while Evans is balding, his stuntman has a full head of hair. Also, there is a HUGE rainstorm in the film--huge. And yet, the next day, the ground is completely dry--and I am talking about dusty dry! Obviously the director, R.G. Springsteen, was no genius.Worth seeing if you love the genre or Lyles' productions, though this is not an especially great western.
bkoganbing I've a real affection for the A.C. Lyles westerns which gave employment to a lot of old time players who were finding work increasingly hard to get because of the decline of the studio system and in some cases a refusal to work in television. But Apache Uprising took elements from Stagecoach, Rawhide, Broken Arrow, Coroner Creek, with a little bit of English Gothic thrown in the mix and it didn't come out well.The English Gothic gets into it when the passengers of a stagecoach get held hostage in a relay station by three outlaws, with thunder and lightning flashing outside together with Apaches on the warpath. It comes right out of innumerable old English murder mysteries.Funny thing that with all the old stars like Rory Calhoun, Corinne Calvet, John Russell, Lon Chaney, Jr., Johnny Mack Brown, the one you will remember from this film is DeForest Kelley. The original Star Trek was debuting this year and I'm willing to bet this was Kelley's final work prior to becoming wise old Dr. Leonard McCoy. Toby Jack Saunders is as far from McCoy as you can get. He's reminiscent of the outlaw that Kelley played in The Law and Jake Wade. He's one hateful punk with some serious self esteem issues.I've seen every member of this cast do better work, even better work for A.C. Lyles and it's too bad the film was beneath the talents of all of them.
frankfob but not by a whole lot. The cast is a bit more vigorous than the usual group of senior citizen actors who populate the typical Lyles western, the action is staged a bit more professionally and the script isn't one of the worst of the series (although it's nothing to write home about, either). Rory Calhoun and John Russell, unlike most of the leading men in this series, seem to have matured rather than "aged," and that fact alone lifts this picture up a notch from the usual run-of-the-mill Lyles extravaganza. It's still nothing special, but it's not as embarrassing as some of the other entries in Lyles' string of geezer oaters.