| 04 December 2002 (USA)
Antibody Trailers

After a terrorist with an implanted nuclear detonator gets shot, a team of scientists must defuse the bomb by miniaturizing themselves and going into his bloodstream. His organism's antibodies start to mass against them.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
r-schrager-620-898947 Exceedingly bad in all aspects, but you can't look away. If Mystery Science Theater 3000 was still out there, this would be at the top of their list. The plot is shamelessly stolen from "Fantastic Voyage" without an acknowledging nod or a wink. The twists - as they are - can be seen coming from a mile away. The special effects must have been gleaned from cuttings from FVs cutting room floor. The dialog appears to have been the result of a bet among the writers to see how many times they could use the s-word. This one is a treat right from the opening credits to the last line of dialog. Must be watched without commercial interruption, otherwise you may be tempted to turn it off.
ryansternmd This is a blatant ripoff of "Fantastic Voyage". I can not find anything to recommend this film. If pressed, I can only say that it is better than single hand held super 8 video movies that make it to cable to feed the market for soft porn slasher flicks. This movie insults the intelligence of the viewer at every level. The science is wrong. Even a 7th grade science student could find the errors. The film is set in Germany, but they did not film it in Germany, hire any German actors or even have a dialog coach give any of the actors German accents. Every aspect of production is only a step above amateur and student films. The only attributes that improve the film are the models and digital effects that had to have been used to show a submarine navigate the blood vessels of the film's antagonist. My lingering question is why did any one make the film?
tvminor One of the worst Sci-Fi/Paranormal flicks I've seen in a very long time. If they tried to make another "Fantastic Voyage", they definitely missed the mark. The plot was lousy, the acting was terrible, and I'm sorry, but White Blood Cells cannot eat through metal. Don't waste your money or your time either buying or renting this sorry excuse for entertainment!
j-bielak An unimpressive, uninspired rip-off of the 1966 classic `Fantastic Voyage` about as suspenseful as Corn Flakes. `Antibody' is basically a low budget made for TV movie built around some CGI graphics, rather then a good (or remotely interesting) story. Don't even get me started about the ship interior sets. Available on DVD, I'm sure it would make an adequate coaster.