Another Yeti a Love Story: Life on the Streets
Another Yeti a Love Story: Life on the Streets
| 14 February 2017 (USA)
Another Yeti a Love Story: Life on the Streets Trailers

After moving to Los Angeles to start anew, Adam, an out of the closet single father of a yeti baby, is dragged into the underground sex trade when his child is kidnapped; Now with the help of his two new friends, a heroin-addicted yeti prostitute and a sexy stripper, they must fight the forces of evil to save the world.

Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
TheBeardedWonder This is far from a perfect movie. But it's also quite funny and has some hidden gems for dialogue here and there. The effects are whatever and the runtime is short. You know what you're getting into with a sequel to a movie about a rapist yeti from troma. Mee your expectations in line and there's a lot of fun to be had here.
Michael Ledo This is the sequel to "Yeti: A Love Story" which somehow slipped my viewing pleasure. A Yeti baby named Eddie is kidnapped by Pimp Billy Faunz (Jim Martin). Her human father Adam (Adam Malamut) abandons his wheel chair lover and teams up with a male Yeti prostitute to get the baby back.The film has a large amount of gay and schlock humor. It has silly inane dialogue that manages to spoof other films as well as society in general but not in any kind of coherent fashion. Lloyd Kaufman has a bit part at the end. Cult film, not for everyone.Guide: F-word, MM sex, nudity
thisseatofmars I like underground movies like this because I hate PC culture. Political correctness is a form of tyranny, and is part of the brainwashing that's killing the west. The tagline of Troma Studios is "40 Years of Disrupting Media." Perhaps it's PC culture that films like these are rebelling against.That's not to say "Another Yeti: A Love Story: Life on the Streets" is just a string of thoughtless exploitation, no: it's *thoughtful* exploitation. You can always tell when someone is *trying* to make you laugh or to shock you: here's a film that does so authentically. For such a low-budget movie, real effort went into its production, and "Yeti" is genuinely funny. Factor in a surprisingly great soundtrack and you have a movie really worth your time.None of the players in "Yeti" are great actors, but great actors are rare, even in Hollywood productions: and maybe I'm missing the point. Part of what makes this movie so funny is the self-aware expressions on the actors' faces. There are many men in this movie willing to make fools of themselves, delivering awful puns and silly dances (like the members of Monty Python) but I find it surprising to see the actresses willing to do the same. And they say there aren't women in comedy! Apparently this movie's a sequel, which works against it in parts. "Yeti" is at its slowest when the actors are explaining backstory or setting up plot. Additionally, at an hour and sixteen minutes, "Yeti" is perhaps about ten minutes too long: something like the "cop mafia" jokes or the over-explaining of backstory/setup could probably've been cut.However, some of the footage from the previous film is shown in flashbacks, and from I can tell, this sequel is a huge leap in quality. "Another Yeti a Love Story: Life on the Streets" is not at the shock and awe level of humour of (the opening of) Toxic Avenger III, but it's a great movie nonetheless and worth your 70 minutes.To the film's makers: Please make another. :)
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