Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!
Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!
NR | 06 November 2008 (USA)
Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild! Trailers

Four university students head to Florida for spring break and enroll in a contest to see who can get the most sexual partners.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
imdb-17369 I've finally got around to watching this movie tonight - albeit with Spanish subtitles - and it truly is ghastly. I, like most of the other reviewers here, really enjoyed the first movie which had life and spark to it. This has none. Yes, there's lots of good looking naked male flesh around but if anyone wants that we all know where to look. The plot is tasteless, and - for me - the scene where Scott Thompson as Mr Wilson (dressed in a dog costume) mistakenly humps his own son, then follows a flurry of vomiting from him, his son and his son's love interest is beyond tasteless. This film is utterly charmless, inane, and I agree that watching paint dry is preferable. I hope that this sequel is just a glitch and a third film in the series will go for charm and not paint all us gays out to be butt-chasing, screaming queens.
filmfan2 Ho-hum... Like the first movie,if they hadn't put in all the gross out scenes and its over-reliance on "guest star" cameos,as well as a tighter(no pun intended)story,this might have been a better movie instead the disappointing,muddled mess that it is.Performances from OK(i kinda liked the guys who played Andy & Jarod and Jonah Blechman(?) is a stitch,as always)to the "WTF?".(Perez Hilton,anyone..HELLO!)The storyline is all over the place,however Again,not a terrible movie but not a winner either.Stick with the movies it parodies.
David B To say this movie is not only a waste of your time, a waste of time of anyone involved with this "film" and a waste of the energy and anything else associated with this disaster is an understatement...I did not find one even one scene minorly funny scene, yet found at least a handful which were totally nasty and disgusting...If this is what passes for humor in the "gay community" today...then let me be an outcast as I cannot find one positive comment to make about this "film" unless you count finally seeing the end of it as a positive...I cannot find one reason why anyone looking at the screenplay for this could conceive why this should have ever been made...were they hoping the mindless sheep would flock (pun intended) to see this film?...I think that whoever heads the studio that made this should be immediately terminated...although this same studio will probably be the next one in line asking for a handout...oops I mean a bailout...oops, I mean a loan so they don't have to file bankruptcy...this studio should go down in flames!
Dee-man I was a huge fan of Another Gay Movie. While some of the gross-out humor got to me, altogether I thought it was a funny, well-meaning and overall entertaining comedy full of fun homages and great eye-candy. Unfortunately, "Another Gay Sequel" gives us about half the effort and a quarter of the laughs that the previous entry served up.First of all, replacing the main cast members hurt the film big-time. Now, the original cast's reasons for returning (or probable reasons) are explained in the film's opening, but if you're going to replace the original actors, at least attempt to cast actors who look somewhat like them. Part of Andy's appeal in the first film was that he was dorky looking and kind of generic. Here he's got flaming red hair and a buff body. And while it's kind of hypocritical, it kind of irritates me that Griff's hotness is toned down with a twinkier, even more androgynous actor playing him this time around. Jonah Blechman, thankfully, stayed around and offers up some of the film's funniest lines and moments.The endearing supporting cast from the original film aren't even here this time. Muffster, Nico's mom and Andy's mom are traded in for the hideously unentertaining "Jaspers" and Perez Hilton, who provides what are perhaps the most annoying 5 minutes of screen-time I've ever sat through. Even the chunk of dialogue he has on the airplane, in which he's playing fairly low-key, made me want to pry my eyes out. It's a shame, because half of the film's budget was probably wasted on having him appear. Also, Andy's dad appears very late and randomly in the movie, making me think that they needed to pad the film with gross-out humor to get the running time up to par.Thankfully, the movie does have its funny and sincere moments. The exchanges between Nico and Stan (Brent Corrigan) are cute and thoughtful, as is the turmoil between Griff and Jarod in deciding whether or not to open up their relationship. RuPaul provides some hilarious one-liners and random appearances in the movie. And the references and homages in the movie - ranging from "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" to "10" and "Thriller" - kept me sane.Altogether, "Another Gay Sequel" comes up short in terms of keeping with the tone of the original, and gives us a bunch of new characters (and actors) who, unfortunately, can't capture the campy and hilarious mood that the first film gave to us.