Anatomy of a Psycho
Anatomy of a Psycho
| 14 June 1961 (USA)
Anatomy of a Psycho Trailers

The crazed brother of a condemned killer sent to the gas chamber swears vengeance on those he holds responsible for his brother's execution.

Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Wizard-8 "Anatomy of a Psycho" has a premise that I'm pretty surprised that hasn't been copied to death by other movies - someone swearing revenge against those who were responsible for sending his brother to the gas chamber. There could have been a lot of perverse pleasure seeing judges, district attorneys, and jury members get snuffed. Unfortunately, the filmmakers don't seem to understand the potential they had. Despite a 73 minute running length, the movie is really slow- moving, and the central character only enacts revenge on three people - and two of those people are just RELATED to the people who were actually responsible for the central character's brother's death. With that in mind, the only way the movie could have been saved would be with unintentional humor. While there are some laughs here - miscast actors, bad acting, dopey dialogue - for the most part the movie is just drab and dull. If you want to see a more successful telling of the movie's theme, watch "Law Abiding Citizen" instead.
paul vincent zecchino Anatomy of a Psycho is unabrogated vomitose trash. You must see this celluloid fecalith to believe it. Why? It's memorable. If you saw only five minutes of Gone With the Wind, would you remember it forty three years hence? I wouldn't, nor probably would you. But believe me, you'd remember this gem.But I remember the few moments of Anatomy of a Psycho. Thanksgiving week, 1964, I was at my cousin Pat's apartment. Why? Who knows? Perhaps to escort her across the hard grey cold asphalt parking lot to our apartment/prison across for Thanksgiving dinner? Who can say? But I remember Anatomy of a Psycho. How could I not? The sky was a cold grey coroner's slab of Cold War fear. Kruschev hadn't yet puked his last splat of vodka and already his grim successors grunted about nuclear war.Cousin Pat's TV sprang to life - so to speak - with Anatomy of a Psycho. Knife wielding hoodlums attacked some stupid dope. They wore paper bags over their heads, prefiguring the 70s Unknown Comic. The imagery? Horrifying. I was ten. Were I eleven....well, you get the idea. Putrid. Awful.And then it was time to leave. Hoods with knives on the rampage. The victim? Feckless moronic weasels who probably deserved it, in Hellyweird's warped thinking. That was 1964. This is 2007. Is Anatomy of a Psycho an ugly cretinous film with no redeeming values, an abominably cheap bad acting fete? Yes, all part of its charm.Memorable? Would you be reading my mindless drivel were it not? You must see this vital lump of American cinematic culture! It stinks.Dr. Paul Vincent Zecchino Manasota Key, Florida 24 February, 2007
manicgecko It may be that I am out of touch with 60's movies, but I am still waiting for the psycho. Great plot idea (man going insane over the wrongful death of his brother)- lousy deliverance, and was the dance scene really necessary??? I picked this movie up in a garage sale set of horror schlock and was extremely disappointed in this low budget afterthought of a movie. I couldn't even bring up the energy to make fun of it. The only good thing I can report on this was it was only 70 minutes. one minute longer and the psycho would be running through my house, cruelly torturing my DVD player. Say goodnight Gracie - this movie is toast.
pcino1957 This is for Erzebet of Philly. What Ronnie are you talking about?? I believe it was Darrell Howe who played Chet in the film was the villian and not Ronnie. You might want to view the film once more. Anyways, the film is still a piece of poop and yes, this was not Ronnie Burns greatest hour :( Paul