An Innocent Man
An Innocent Man
R | 06 October 1989 (USA)
An Innocent Man Trailers

Jimmie Rainwood was minding his own business when two corrupt police officers (getting an address wrong) burst into his house, expecting to find a major drug dealer. Rainwood is shot, and the officers frame him as a drug dealer. Rainwood is convicted of drug dealing, based on the perjured evidence of a police informant. Thrown into a seedy jail, fighting to prove his innocence is diffucult when he has to deal with the realities of prison life, where everyone claims they were framed.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
mailofthefuture In my 35 years on earth, I've been to just 2 movies that aroused an actual standing ovation from the audience in the theater: Speed & An Innocent Man. I was only 9 years old when this movie came out, so it's only right to first thank my parents for always allowing me and my brother the privilege to see "R" rated movies at such a young age. There's just something about this movie that stirs up your emotions like none other. While some might call this a "B" movie, to me, the acting is just so real to life and spot on, much more realistic than say for people who are more purists when it comes to the art of movies.There are several stand out performances here. David Rasche to me, should have won an Oscar for his role as one of two the dirty cops. He probably plays my favorite bad guy role of all-time, is just plain masterful every time he comes on the screen. Anybody who can make a bad guy like-able by being so over the top corrupt, you know there's something special going on.Bruce Young as Jingles was another all-time classic character, another charismatic villain with a sparkle of gleam in his eyes. F. Murray Abraham was fantastic, as he delivers one of the best ending lines to a movie of all-time.Honestly everybody who participated in An Innocent Man was on their A game, I can mention every single character here. I can talk about this movie forever, give you a standard IMDb review but I am not going to. I will simply say that if you really haven't seen this movie, you are missing out on something very magical. This is my favorite prison movie ever made, slightly better than Shawshank for how down to earth it was. If it doesn't rattle your emotions you must be some type of surrogate. That, or a spiritual robot....
programmerjj the movie is an accurate portrayal of how prison life can really be.This is an underrated and excellent movie when it comes to prison movies. Right up there with Shawshank Redemption.One of the more underrated prison movies there are.I highly recommend watching this.the unwritten rules between convicts.Great movie and awesome case.Definitely a good prison flick I recommend this to anybodyA wrongfully accused man set up by crooked police, learns the difference between the real world and prison world. The story of him having to stand his ground to prove that he is "an innocent man"
squirtsquirt7 My father had been recommending this movie to me for a long time because he had seen it in the theaters back in 1989. Well, I was glad to finally see it today because I was blown away. This movie was fantastic and Tom Selleck was real good, I think this is one of his best performances ever. And the movie pisses you off because you want to see the bad guys get what they deserve so much! All the supporting actors were good in their roles as well. This can very well be a family movie too depending on what you let your kid see, there's some violence but not too much and there's some language but not a lot and there is no nudity. And the ending was perfect! So my recommendation is a must see, especially if you enjoy revenge movies and like Tom Selleck!! 10 stars!
Aitch-5 I thought this movie would seriously put me in a dark mood, but I found that I liked it -- a lot. I was surprised by how much I liked this film. This is a very good "B" movie, and I enjoyed just about all of it -- the affectionate scenes between Jimmie Rainwood (Tom Selleck) and his wife, the scenes with the two corrupt cops, the scenes with Detective Fitzgerald (Badja Djola), the scene at the beginning with Rainwood assuring his boss that the jet airliner his people are working on will be fixed on time, and even the scenes in prison, especially those with Virgil Cane (F. Murray Abraham), but I even enjoyed the black-gang scenes (because I was rooting for Jimmie to get mad and take his tormentors down). Can you tell that I was entertained? :-)This is the kind of movie to rent if you're in the mood to watch a good and truly innocent man get knocked around by nasty people you'll seriously love to hate (crooked cops AND prison gang members), watch the guy suffer a bit, and then watch him get back on his feet and get his revenge on his tormentors (without losing his humanity). The characters and situations may be a bit cliché, but I don't care. The movie reminds you, as one prisoner tells Jimmie Rain after he gets to prison, that there are times when you don't have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up. Rent this and watch Rainwood learn, under Virgil's guidance, how to stand up.