An American Ghost Story
An American Ghost Story
| 01 October 2012 (USA)
An American Ghost Story Trailers

When Paul, an unemployed writer, decides to rent and live in a house that's rumored to be haunted, he puts his life and his relationships in grave danger as he obsessively attempts to get the story that will finally make his career.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Pie CatLady Mild spoilers: Very disappointing. The main character was unattractive, not just physically but emotionally. Absolutely unlikable and unbelievable, whether hero or anti-hero. (Not sure which this unsympathetic twerp was meant to be.) He wasn't bad enough to be a villain nor good enough to be a hero. Poor acting kills even a well-produced effort, which this was not. Right from the start, I was making fun of the name - Twa-dork-us, Twa-doofus etc. No producer would willing select such an untalented "star"...unless...midway in, I guessed that Twardokus had ponied up the money for this dull low-budget horror show, and so he claimed the lead. The inaction dragged along (few shocks, no digital effects, etc.) until the very last gasp - the actor's, not mine. Having only ghosts-in-sheets saved a lot of budget money, but the final conflict was nonetheless effective. Shockingly so, since there was no horrible reveal of the ghost's true ghastly appearance. No horrible reveal of any sort. The bulk of the film was just plain boring. Blame it on Twardokus' inability to project emotions or to generate interest.
dleannlugo I was going to vote pretty low not because of production, I think this movie does a pretty good job with cinematically and the writing is good.It is definitely scaryish.My problem is the acting. The acting is pretty bad. The girl-friend probably the worse but they definitely aren't A-list actors. The main character gets better and probably would be so bad if you could tell that they were ALL trying REALLY hard to NOT look at the camera - it is so obvious that the camera area is something someone trained them to never look at.A good actor can look right into the camera and never be looking AT you...they keep their line of site balanced to seem natural.Though I have that complaint, I do like the movie. Will purchase it if I can find it and will tell people good things about it.
tgusto90731 So I've read this was done on a very low budget…like that's an excuse for a horribly acted, horribly scripted and unimaginative idea. Seriously, why do people make films like this? Doesn't someone in the cast or crew have the courage to tell the filmmakers this is crap. Stop filming. Save your money on rent. I guess the writer/director can at least look back on his life and know he at least tried to live his dream…as unsuccessful as it may have been. Kudos on that!Also, as other reviewers have stated, don't believe those who give this travesty rave reviews. It's the cast and crew who've decided to lie in order to pad the ratings in some desperate attempt to validate their experience. It's a bit disingenuous and ultimately sad…and I do feel bad for having to state the obvious, but hey, this is the public spectrum and once you enter, you are subject to public opinion -- as onerous as it may be.
cascadelily This is my first time writing a review but I had to support this great little movie! If you've lived in a haunted house, and still enjoy watching scary movies, then you'll like this movie too. The main character is well acted. It does not have annoying music. You can relish the silence or low level noise which makes it more realistic and intense. It does not have Hollywood over-production. In fact, the low budget brings it closer to home and you feel it more. This movie is scary! It's realistic and scared me and made me jump several times. I love it. If Hollywood big production scary films have ever succeeded in scaring you, then I do not think you will be able to understand how An American Ghost Story is actually well crafted and original. I can't wait to see the next movie these 2 guys are going to make!