American Nightmare
American Nightmare
R | 01 June 1984 (USA)
American Nightmare Trailers

A man investigates the disappearance of his sister with the help of her roommate. He uncovers a trail of prostitution, incest, blackmail...and murder.

BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Danny Blankenship This movie "American Nightmare" is one of the countless early 80's B thriller films that involves murder and sex mixed in to make it a watch. Something to watch to pass a little time anyway it's a note that Page Fletcher has a guest spot here this was just before he got his most memorable role on HBO's terrific "Hitchhiker" series. Anyway this is typical 80's B horror sex drama a man arrives in a city looking for his missing sister only to find that she was caught up in a world of underground staples like drugs, strip clubs and peep shows and even a sadistic murder who wants all of the girls dead. Along the trail of blood and scum dark secrets are revealed behind club doors and office doors. Look for Michael Ironside's turn as a cop overall good to pass time if you like early 80's B horror thrill films.
HumanoidOfFlesh A pianist is searching for his sister who has become a prostitute.A sadistic killer is preying on prostitutes.He kills his victims with a razor.Police hunt for the girl and the killer."American Nightmare" by Don McBrearty is a Canadian giallo with some slasher elements.The look of the film is dirty and grimy and there is enough sleaze and nudity to satisfy even the most demanding smut-peddlers.There is one extremely surprising twist involving the pianist's father that truly knocked me out of my seat.It's nice to see Michael Ironside in a small role as the cop.He was really believable as the killer in another overlooked Canadian slasher "Visiting Hours".Finally I must say that the killings are fairly brutal and effective for example one stripper is drowned in a bath-tub and the killer cuts her wrists.The water becomes red with her blood.So if you are a fan of Canadian exploitation cinema you can't miss "American Nightmare".7 out of 10.
Woodyanders This relentlessly seedy and downbeat Canadian "Hardcore" clone largely eschews the heavy-handed moralizing of Paul Schrader's spectacularly lurid '79 feature in favor of wallowing with unstinting graphicness in a festering stinkweed urban cesspool of raw sexuality and total sleaze. A naive, clean-cut young classical pianist (the insufferably virtuous Lawrence S. Daly) tirelessly trolls the filthy streets and grungy back alleys of a gaudy, depraved and morally bankrupt red light district in search of his missing sister. Our painfully out of his element choirboy protagonist, who's the son of a prominent rich jerk who's none too happy with Daly's search for dear sis in the city's down-trodden, despicable underbelly, enlists the aid of a sad, pill-popping stripper (the fetching Lora Staley) and gets no help from weary, jaded, seen-it-all-three-times-over vice cop Michael Ironside.Director Don McBrearty cranks up the dismally debauched scuzzball atmosphere to the garishly sensationalized, yet still pretty ignoble and upsetting max: large portions of the film take place in trashy go-go bars, low-rent apartments and squalid porno shops; the dark, shadowy cinematography gives all the scummy action a properly murky and grungy air; a Jack the Ripper-type self-appointed murderous moralist takes it upon himself to rid the world of irredeemable scarlet harlots; numerous lovely young ladies remove their clothes at periodic intervals (perpetually nude Canuck B-picture regulars Claudia Udy and Lenore Zann among 'em, with a really young, topless and slutty-looking pre-"Baywatch" Alexandra Paul setting the unsparingly sordid tone in the opening scene as the killer's first victim); the secondary characters include such stock degenerates as creepy peepshow booth perverts, strung-out junkies, forlorn strippers and the inevitable swishy, whiny, lisping cross-dressing homosexual; and a cold, grim, utterly hopeless mood pervades throughout the whole movie. Way too bleak, seamy and depressing to be much fun, but still a reasonably engrossing and appropriately grotty celluloid excursion into neon slime territory just the same.
Wizard-8 Despite what the title states, the movie actually takes place in Toronto. Though like most Canadian movies, it is hesitant to say where it's actually taking place - you have to look for clues, such as seeing part of the CN Tower in the background during the final sequence.As for the movie itself, it's pretty poor overall. It's relentlessly padded, with only a few turns in the story itself. Much of the movie consists of people talking, or to showcase the abundant nudity. Though that latter element may sound like it makes the movie worth watching, it's actually drearily presented, without it being the least erotic.In fact, every location in the movie comes across as degenerate and filthy - never have I seen Toronto bathed in such an unflattering light. Actually, it's a change of pace for a Canadian movie, and with the movie taking place in a sleazy part of society, it seems somewhat appropriate. Though I'm sure this wasn't intentional, because this was a really low budget movie (only a $200,000 budget - Canadian dollars!), and the production values certainly show it, most notably the lack of adequate lighting.To be fair, the slasher sequences aren't that bad - the squalid locations and the dark lighting actually give them some atmosphere, and the direction of these sequences show a little imagination (unlike the hopeless direction elsewhere.) And the movie does give B movie fans a chance to see Michael Ironside in not just an early role, but one that gives him the rare opportunity to play a good guy. Aside from those things, the movie is probably only of interest to people interested in Canadian tax shelter movies of this era.