Ambush at Dark Canyon
Ambush at Dark Canyon
R | 24 October 2012 (USA)
Ambush at Dark Canyon Trailers

U.S. Marshall Duke Donovan is imprisoned, accused of being an accomplice in a bank robbery. After discovering that his partner is planning to kill his wife, he must escape prison in time to save his wife and clear his name.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Yvonnempascoe Ambush at Dark Canyon is a movie that kept my interest due to the story telling concept. Set in the Southwest , Duke Donovan seeks revenge and brings us into the Canyon with authentic depictions of how it was to live in the time period. It was also entertaining in the sense that it brought me back to the classic westerns with horseback riding, gun fights in mountain side boulders along with very well place thought provoking music. I thought the movie was very well written and it made me to feel like I was among the characters riding in the southwest desert. Whether your into western movies or not; I definitely recommend to watch Ambush at Dark Canyon!
Jennifer TheHanklover This isn't just your run-of-the-mill "shoot 'em up Western", although the sets, costumes, and gunfight scenes are all extremely well done and authentic. It's also a story with heart.I personally feel that the measure of art in any form, whether a song, book, movie, etc., is its ability to move me. Inspire. 'Ambush at Dark Canyon' did both.I laughed (mostly at William Shockley's portrayal of the cantankerous Cage Dalton, lol). I cried…oh, how I cried. And I rooted for Duke Donovan (played by country music star Kix Brooks), and shared in his triumph when justice was finally served.This DVD/CD combo really is an exceptional deal, as the soundtrack is superb. I've listened to it multiple times already, and I only bought it yesterday, lol. My favorite songs are the title track, "High in the Saddle" sung by Randy Houser, "Other Side" sung by Kix Brooks, and "I Can't Wait" sung by Rafe Van Hoy. ALL the songs are great, though, and really give the film an added richness and depth.Fantastic movie, and one I'll enjoy watching over and over again for years to come.
angie_oetjen I bought my copy on the day it was released and got to watch it last night. I cannot believe all this talent in one amazing package. I give it 5 stars +. I am glad you guys gave us the best of both. I was simply blown away by Kix Brooks. He rocked it in every way, shape, and form. I especially liked Ronnie Blevins character as well. The soundtrack that Kix Brooks and Randy Houser did was so incredible and very well done. William Shockley does an excellent job in doing his character as well. I am a huge fan of his. I am so proud of all involved with Team Two Entertainment. Keep up the good work and make some more films for us your fans to enjoy. I too enjoyed it from start to finish.
luann-nicosia **** may contain spoilers *** I had really been looking forward to watching this movie for awhile. I thought I would listen through the soundtrack a few times prior to watching it tonight, and I am so glad that I did. Wow...I have to say it was one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard connected to a Western film! It had such a wide variety of songs and each added a wonderful layer to the film. I loved all the songs, but especially The Other Side, I couldn't wait to see how it was used in the movie because it really did bring tears to my eyes. This film not only met my expectations but really did exceed them. This film brought together a very talented and versatile group of actors that truly brought this story to life. I was impressed with how easily Kix Brooks has transitioned from singer into a very capable actor able to take on a serious and emotional role such as he did in this film! All of the other actors were amazing also and hit their marks on each of their characters with perfect timing. As a screenwriter I analyze the script and story more than anything. Does it have action, does it keep your interest, do the characters draw you into their world, does it flow, does it keep you guessing until the end? YES to all of the above, it certainly does! And to top it all off you have a wonderful surprise twist ending that you might not see coming. So to sum it all up...Great story, talented and well cast actors, and inspiring music that all adds up to a true western film to be proud of and to be enjoyed for years to come. This film was a job well done and easily one of the best westerns to come down the pass in the recent years!