Alter Egos
Alter Egos
R | 20 July 2012 (USA)
Alter Egos Trailers

At a time when superheroes have lost government funding and public support, a superhero meets a girl who can help him overcome his own emotional crisis.

Steineded How sad is this?
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
the_number-evil_d This movie looks incredibly cheap and I'm sure it is, but don't let that ruin your experience. The characters come off as being likable and endearing. The comedy shows through even though there are no laugh out loud moments. The story is weak but at the same time, it's clever, witty and relies on the character development to carry it through. The main character is dealing with issues everyone has thought of in real life in a satirized manner. His girl friend is cheating on him with his alter ego (there's the title). His friend (also a super hero) is on a mission to create a purpose for super heroes again since all super villains have been caught. Our main hero meets a hot motel clerk that, after some effort to talk to, seems to like him for who he really is. That's the most of what happens. I'm not going to ruin it.No one is going to win any awards for this movie but I was surprised at how enjoyable it was and can recommend it to others.
gavin6942 At a time when superheroes have lost government funding and public support, a superhero meets a girl who can help him overcome his own emotional crisis.I absolutely love the concept of a woman cheating on her boyfriend with a superhero, who is her boyfriend in a cheap mask. Is it really cheating? And how do superheroes get away with that -- not being recognized behind such a small piece of fabric? While there is not much plot to this one, there are plenty of gags to make it worthwhile. Even just the various brief television segments that have taken popular culture and combined it with superheroes... very, very witty and clever.Despite being distributed by Smodcast, Kevin Smith seems to have had no direct involvement in the picture. This may be for the best. Yet, it definitely has the sensibility that I think old school Smith fans will appreciate.
Matthew Bonness It's a lot like Wes Anderson's Bottle Rocket, only set in the northeast, with down-and-out superheroes and less than super powers. Not-so-superhero Fridge clings to his super identity even though the world has moved beyond him and his ilk. He and fellow traveler C-Thru are temporarily holed-up at a Hampton Bays inn, tasked with nothing less than reviving the fortunes of the underfunded SuperCorp superheroes collective. But Fridge is more concerned with his relationship problems and the charming desk clerk. The whole thing is winningly underplayed and sincere. It could almost work as a modest stage comedy.
bennysbeast after seeing respectable reviews i was sort of expecting something along the lines of kickass, so i thought id give it a shot, its terrible, its low budget, the acting garbage, and the story in just rubbish, the cover makes u think that theirs multiply hero's, after near 50mins id seen 2 in the film(only 1hr 20mins long), 2nd theirs no real super powers used, 1 guy can c through walls, which he uses maybe 2x just to stare at his friend talking to a girl at hotel counter,and the other guy uses ice power .. which he freezes an empty glass at the motel counter, thats it.. i was expecting even comedy basis in it, but seriously it didn't make me laugh 1ce.. any1 who rates this film over a 5 is blatantly just trying to boost its score, seriously don't waste ya time on it.