R | 19 October 1999 (USA)
Alone Trailers

Maria, whose parents live in the country, cannot stand her father's authoritarian ways and moves to the city. She finds a job as a cleaner and tries to survive in a wretched apartment in the shabby part of a big city. She is pregnant, and the fact that her boyfriend has abandoned her does not help matters. When her father goes to the hospital for an operation, her mother comes to stay with her. Her neighbor, an old recluse whose only friend is his dog, begins to come out of his shell and these three lost souls try to give each other the strength to start over.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
writers_reign I stumbled on this DVD in my local library having never heard of the film itself or anyone connected with it either in front of or behind the camera. That's as good a definition of 'serendipity' as any. Although there are perhaps a dozen players it's essentially a three-hander, four if we stretch a point and include Paco De Osca's husband/father from hell who indirectly generates most of what happens with the other three, the other three being Maria (Ana Fernandez) a 35 year-old country girl long fled to the city as soon as she was old enough to escape her abusive drunken father and with little or no formal education is obliged to take a succession of menial cleaning jobs and provide a sex-object for macho Spanish males. As the story begins De Osca has just been admitted to hospital in the city and his down-trodden wife (Maria Galiana) has accompanied him and is reluctantly put up by Maria for the duration. The third member of this morose little group is widower Vecino (Carlos Alvarez-Novoa) who lives in the same apartment building as Maria and quickly attaches himself to her mother. For the mother it is a revelation to meet a man who is not only not an animal but also has finer feelings but she has become habituated to her role as doormat and when her husband is released from hospital she returns with him to their village leaving us with the impression that should her husband die she will return and take up with Vecino, who, in the wake of the mother's departure, persuades Maria not to abort the child she is carrying (the father has no interest in a permanent relationship and offers to underwrite an abortion) and promises to act as a grandfather. This is a study of three lost souls and despite the downbeat theme it is actually uplifting. The acting throughout is more than competent, that of the three principals brilliant. 9/10
TheOtherFool This movie is about 3 relationships: between the mother and her daughter, the mother and the neighbour, and resulting from the first two, the daughter and the neighbour. The first two aren't really that interesting, but the movie springs to light once the neighbour and the daughter start talking during a game of cards. What comes next are 30 minutes of excelent film-making which keeps you tied to your seat right through the ending. Too bad for the first (boring) hour though... In the end I gave it a 6/10.
timcaines A combination of an 'eye-opening' plot and superb acting make this film a wonderful piece of art and a powerful depiction of how some women led and perhaps still lead their lives today.This film can make you cry. I think this film deserves much recognition for such a moving drama.
Keith F. Hatcher Unfortunately rather overlooked as this film came out the same year as Almodóvar's 'Todo Sobre mi Madre' which went on to reach fame and glory. However, if you liked Almodóvar's excellent drama you will also like 'Solas'. The two films have certain similarities inasmuch that also in 'Solas' the accent is very much on strong characterisation, profound human feelings, though perhaps a little less intense here than in Almodóvar's film. Ana Fernández is magnificent, playing just right the rather confused, unlucky thirty-five year old young woman a bit given to alcohol, not overplaying her part; María Galiana as her mother shows even at her age that she has come from good theatre, as no less does Carlos Álvarez-Novoa as the lonely neighbour. Benito Zembrano - as Almodóvar - , not only directs his film but is also responsible for the script, which is truly magnificent, especially taking into account certain Andalucian styles of speech. The Andalucian accent may at times cause a bit of a problem if you know Spanish a fair amount and watch this film without any subtitles. Try it, anyway: it is well worth the effort. An excellent piece of drama which certainly deserves more recognition than it has got. Curiously both films end with a remarkably similar dedication at the end: 'A mi madre; a todas las madres' - To my mother; To all mothers.