Habana Blues
Habana Blues
| 18 March 2005 (USA)
Habana Blues Trailers

When Spanish record producers express interest in Cuban musicians Ruy and Tito, the longtime friends are faced with the prospect of leaving their loved ones behind. After years of hoping and dreaming, they've finally earned the opportunity to bring their music to the rest of the world. But are the emotional trade-offs worth it in the end?

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
TinsHeadline Touches You
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
FranklyMyDearIDontGiveADamn Cool outfits and hairstyles. That's what impressed me the most in this movie. That's not much. And I have tried, really. But there was something missing, things just didn't add up. I did't believe the characters, their motives were not made clear enough, especially the main character, the lead singer. He didn't make much sense, I just couldn't buy it. And, at times, the movie reminded me of a "telenovela". Too much gesturing, too much melodrama, too much "colorful" arguing, followed by hugs and tears. And, frankly, whatever point there was (if there was one) was kinda lost among the chaotic blend of patriotic speeches, family melodrama, cheerful jam sessions and, of course, the traditional video footage of Havana by day and night. Watch out for the actor that played Tito (the sax player), very good acting, not to mention cool and groovy look :-). And the actress that played his grandma rocked more than some of the guys in the band. Ha.
adrian-designer Sensible and real.I recommend this movie to all lovers of music and life... A full experience of color in spite of being located in a sad context. The feelings and dramas have exit by means of the expression of music.Great history, great actors and great director. Benito makes few films and that is perceived in the final result. He demonstrates his talent once again.Don't miss it!
fifo_lira a good one, worth to see a couple of times .. the characters all well defined and performed, the music is new but still reflects its old Cuban influence, the script full of messages ( live up to your decisions, friendship may hurt, Cuba is not exactly good or bad, etc), photography is great ... Does anybody knows who sponsored this movie ? I'm not sure how to read (and filter) the political messages here ... was it filmed with the approval of local government authorities ? more likely not as they show a family successfully escaping the island but still one of the messages is that Cubans are not seduced by capitalism ways and are willing to do whatever it takes to escape from the island
antonio_von_cuesta Although "Solas" (Alone) was an incredibly wonderful movie, "Habana Blues" takes our breath away AGAIN.I saw this movie in Seville, last March 15th, in the Lope de Vega Theatre, because it was a Premiere. First of all, the movie looks interesting, but in the first 30 minutes, you are tired of listen songs (all them with the same rhythm) and watch people dancing.This is a good movie about relationships between friends, but, as the movie's tagline says, "Vivir es elegir" (To Live is To Choose), this is the lead topic of the movie.Two music men dream with to rec a CD and become famous. But the things aren't like they thought... they must have some conditions for to become famous, like to be stranger, haven't never done a gig...This movie is also dramatic but sometimes funny. The director washes the story with small pieces of humor (Luz Maria's character is simply there for to make funny the sad moments).The end... oh what a sad end. The family breaking all the rules in the middle of a river, and the friends saying goodbye. Never a movie wasn't as dramatic as boring.