R | 11 April 2002 (USA)
Alone Trailers

Experience the fear as you're sucked into the disturbed mind of Alex. Tormented by harrowing voices of the past Alex searches for the one girl who can silence the horror of a tortured soul. As the quest becomes darker and more sinister Alex's fear filled stalking leaves behind a trail of dead bodies. Inspector Hannah is the detective who makes a desperate attempt to piece together the mystery as he is drawn into this terrifying journey.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Yiorgos Halkos * NO SPOILERS AHEAD *In general: "Alone" is a movie you won't remember after a month or so, but that doesn't make it an awful movie..After watching the whole movie, I got the same feeling I had with the "9th gate": The movie needed 10 more minutes of plot unraveling, to explain/conclude some things. It seemed as if the producer run out of funds and had to finish the film in a hurry.That left apart, the movie contains some very nicely done camera tricks (first person perspective, memory flashbacks etc), an interesting -yet not that genuine- background of Alex (the main character), and some nice acting.Concluding: The camera tricks are not groundbreaking, as the ones in "Matrix". The plot is not even close to "Seven". No Oscar was nominated for acting in this film. Compared to some 5-star films, "Alone" is not much to look at. It surely is not one of the best films I've seen, but not a bad film either. 6/10 for me: slightly above average. Worth watching it on TV or renting it for 1,5 euros, but nothing more.
mikeroo99 I did not expect this when I put the DVD in to watch. I am not sure what I expected but I am really glad I rented it out, I felt like I had found a gem amongst all the Hollywood garbage you normally find in your local video store.Good editing, great soundtrack and the view of the lead through her eyes.The forced feeding scene is genuinely disturbing and i could not stop thinking about it for days afterwards, the way it was extended when you thought it was all over kept me awake that night! That to me, is good direction and acting, when you really feel for the character.The way the director captured the sense of overwhelming control that Alex's obsessive-compulsive behaviour has over her seems very realistic also, like you are hearing her thought as well as seeing her actions.I don't think too many people have seen this film because everyone I ask has never heard of it. From memory it was one of those films that the video store only had 1 or 2 copies of so that probably puts the masses off straight away.I had to go and order it on DVD after I rented it out.. definitely not a film for everyones tastes though, although my girlfriend enjoyed it also.Not the best film I have ever seen by far (some of plot and acting pretty poop )but worth watching and I didn't feel like I had wasted 90 minutes at the end. I must admit that I was slightly disappointed at the end of the film with the way it ended but that's life.The lighting in this movie is not going to be to everyones tastes, a fair bit of strobe effects to go with that great soundtrack, could mess a few heads up.I think the director will be one to watch in the future, apparently this was his first proper feature film which on reflection makes sense but if I met him he would get a handshake and a "well done".
Jens While the cover art of the DVD lures you into the illusion that this is a "Scream" style horror flick (the cover is almost identical), the first thing to say about this movie is that it is so quintessential english, it could have been shot on the set of "Eastenders". Don't get me wrong, their are a lot of great movies coming from England, but their attempts of making a good thriller or horror film are often quite deplorable. The quality of the sound is surprisingly good, compared to shabby camera work, which is probably the reason for the tag line "Hear the fear". Miriam Margolyes is usually one of my favorite actresses, but here her OTT approach to her role is not in tune with the rest cast. Imagine Mr. Bean showing up in a "Halloween" movie! After we watch the psychotic killer do some of his very predictable deeds, the movie ends abruptly, not revealing the killer's identity, leaving us in doubt about the fate of his last victim and not giving us any clues about his motives. So why bother watching it all?
Mike Cooke A run of the mill slasher/Halloween type flick that goes through the motions with a few exceptions. The audio/ visuals in this movie are at times stunning and worth a view if only for this. This, along with 'strange' editing leaves you waiting for the next 'strange' event. For you oldies out there try to spot ex-YES keyboard player Rick Wakeman in the movie. WARNING:- This movie contains strobe lighting of around 10 cycles/sec. It does warn of this on the video case but the writing is very small so beware. I gave it a 6/10 for its innovations.
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