R | 28 December 2012 (USA)
Allegiance Trailers

After being granted a questionable transfer that will keep him stateside as his National Guard unit deploys for Iraq, Lieutenant Danny Sefton becomes embroiled in a last minute AWOL attempt by one of his soldiers — forcing him to choose between his loyalties to the fleeing soldier, his unit and his fiancé.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Tom Dooley This film is actually really very good in places. It is set on an army base where units of the National Guard have been called up and are due to be deployed to an Iraqi war zone. Their erstwhile Lieutenant has used his daddy's political clout to get him a cushy transfer so he can stay Stateside with his fiancée. Meanwhile the unit's paramedic (Reyes)– whose young son has terminal cancer – has been told his permission to stay home has been revoked. What transpires is the efforts of the guys to do what they think is right in the face of military bureaucratic, indifference. We also have the story of the replacement Lieutenant and some of the back stories of the soldiers involved.Now I loved the premise and the first third of this film works extremely well. Then we start to get plot holes or contrivances and that is when it starts losing credibility. May be plot spoiler from here on in!! When Lt. Sefton runs off to the pay phone as his phone has been confiscated. In the previous scene Sgt Reyes was found by being called on his and phone while hiding in the truck and now he seems to have forgotten it is in his pocket. The security around this military base is a few guys with armbands on; No CCTV at all! I mean really, the protocols for prisoner control were never followed. Some of the fight scenes have all the 'blood' put on right at the end and some am dram fisty cuffs at that. These all occur towards the end and all empathy I had built up started to evaporate, so it went from being really good to OK and then please don't insult my intelligence – I have to say the acting and camera work are mostly good to excellent hence my overall rating.
italianabella42 I really enjoyed this movie the whole story line.I thought all the actors did a great job and it is a army movie but a good one. I recommend it to anyone who likes military and suspense movies.Its a must see movie. It has new stars like bow wow who use to rap but he makes a good actor too. It has a lot of older actors as well who are good. It doesn't have bloody gore military war stuff but it is military clean.This movie to me in my opinion and i watch a lot of movies of all Genres this movie is a 10. I don't care what anybody says its excellent to me.Maybe cause I am female and it has a lot of handsome actors but they all did well.
dusan-22 I am not sure why is this movie having so low grade. From my point of view it is pretty much underrated. The 'thriller' genre posted over here might be misleading considering the fact that this is more drama than a thriller. No big thrills, no tones of blood but pretty good drama development. Also pretty good casting except maybe for the main role which doesn't mean that the guy doesn't act well, just that he is not really made for the character he played. Good acting and pretty good directing. The director pretty much looks like someone who hasn't made many movies but is talented and understands very well the concept of the movie development generally speaking. I love the atypical way of developing the characters in his movie where he uses face mimics, glances and silence to express the nature of the dramatic situation rather than bunch of unnecessary words. So, I recommend this movie as pretty interesting and if the director Michael Connors ever read my comment, I want him to know that he should keep up the good work.
normfreimark I was sitting on the edge of my seat to see how this complex moral dilemma would be resolved. I really enjoyed watching the various pressures felt by the soldiers and the moral ambiguity of some of their positions. Very impressed by Bow Wow's acting and the job done by the whole very believable cast. I forgot I was watching a movie and was totally caught up in the tensions felt by all.It is nice to see an intelligent military movie thriller which makes the viewer wonder what they would do given the same set of circumstances.I could see that this movie was true to what it is really like to be called upon to serve your country, wanting to take the safe route out of danger, and having allegiances to family as well as fellow soldiers.