Alien Outlaw
Alien Outlaw
| 01 January 1985 (USA)
Alien Outlaw Trailers

Aliens land in a small town where Jesse Jamison is about to have a gun show and bullets fly after the aliens start killing people. Watch out Diamond Booking agency for your next momentous event!

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
bensonmum2 A group of three aliens comes to Earth to . . . well, I'm not really sure why they're here. They steal some guns - old style revolvers and rifles - and start shooting people. Oh, and they also beat-up a car for some reason. Our heroine, Jesse Jamison (Kari Anderson), seems to be the only person in the small town the aliens have landed who can do anything about them. She's an expert with a gun herself and it's up to her to save the day. I would say that Alien Outlaw was trying to cash in on the success of Predator, but it actually came out first. I suppose the aliens are on Earth to do a little hunting as in Predator, but they don't seem to have any weapons of their own. So, like I said earlier, I'm not sure why they're here. You'd think that a civilization capable of interstellar travel would have a better plan than these three seem to have. Beyond the plot's lack of logic, almost everything else is bad. The special effects are poor, the comedy is weak, and the acting is downright atrocious. The film features two old time Western actors, Sunset Carson and Lash La Rue. Neither brings much to the table other than some unintentional humor. In short, Alien Outlaw is pretty much a disaster.As bad as it is, there are a couple of things to enjoy. There are a few scenes that actually (most likely by accident) work. For example, the scenes where the aliens come out of the water are effective and nicely filmed. But the main reason to see Alien Outlaw is for lead actress Kari Anderson. It's not that she's much of an actress (this is her only acting credit), but those legs! Anderson's legs are the real star of the Alien Outlaw.
robertstjames This one is beyond awful. The aliens look like guys dressed in frog suits with cheap Halloween masks and seem to have no purpose on earth but to twirl six guns (for real, that old fashioned swing the gun by its trigger guard thing), bust out windshields on cars (interstellar vandalism...huh?) and from time to time, shoot people for no particular reason (do these guys not have laser guns or any weapons other than what they find laying around?) Not to worry, tho...awful acting and cornball plot fill in the very large blank spaces between action scenes. You'll be so desperate for something to happen that you'll find yourself cheering the car destroying scene. And then turning the movie off because not even Rifftrax makes this steaming pile worth finishing.
barke_p I have happy memories of a teenage summer staying near Sparta, NC, on one of the locations that this film uses. Specifically, in the film it was the farm house of the character played by Lash La Rue. I was staying with the family that owns that farm. The "barn" you see in some scenes there was actually the family's garage.The film crew were there for several days and I joined in the shoot as a sort of unpaid runner, carrying things around. It was quite odd, not to say surreal, at times: a fifteen year old kid from the UK sitting on the porch chatting alternately with a grumpy B-western star, then the long legged heroine (they were FANTASTIC legs), then the "aliens", without their helmets. At lunchtimes we had fried chicken, mashed potato , biscuits and gravy I seem to remember. Tasted very good! At one point I overheard the director say something particularly uncomplimentary about his own film. He struck me as someone who could have made much better films if he had had the resources.I just got the DVD, having never watched the film and it really is difficult to say anything positive about it as a piece of cinema. As a memento of the best summer of my life though it is priceless.
microx96002 This sci-fi/comedy/western could've been a lot more entertaining with some expert editing, the performances by a cast of unknowns leave a lot to be desired also. Plot lines that lead no where, and a plodding story line make the 90 minutes seem like 3 hours. But if you like cheesy grade z action, with a tiny bit of gratuitous T&A thrown in you might want to lose 90 minutes you'll never get back. The entertainment I got from this shoe string budgeted flick was in watching the beautiful, almost scantily clad Kari Anderson (this was her only movie appearance??), and the chance to see two old (fairly well preserved) cowboy stars from the 40's Sunset Carson and Lash LaRue. An extra bonus for cowboy fans is the interview (more of a informal reminiscence for the old days of the B western) between Sunset and Lash.