Alien Origin
Alien Origin
| 12 June 2012 (USA)
Alien Origin Trailers

A movie created from "found footage" of a lost military expedition that exposes the origins of life on earth.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
bulruq A COMPLETE WASTE of 1 hour and 27 minutes of my life! I don't know how anyone could spoil the plot since there really isn't any; it has no stars, no credible acting, no aliens, and only the faintest trace of a story line. The unfinished plot was never revealed to the poor hoodwinked viewer and there are many pointless events that have nothing to do with aliens and only serve to confuse the audience further. The camera is always shaking around and the picture "glitches" every time we ALMOST see what is attacking the "actors". There isn't any excuse for this video vomit ever being made! This movie really should carry a warning about how bad it is; the "writer" and director should also carry the shame of this turkey for the rest of their lives.
Igor Vovkovinskiy I understand what the director and writers were trying to do, really I do, and the Colombian soldiers or whichever S.A. country they were from were very collective and looked really like soldiers, well to someone who has never been in an military service. But nothing ever happens. The production company could have hired some 2nd graders to make some paper mache aliens or something. It never reaches any focal point. It looks very promising sometimes, in some moments you think something cool will happen. But it never does. This movie would have had so much audience and so much potential, but I have to say this, don't waste your life on watching this movie.
omsdiver Tratatata, bum bum. Move, move! Hide! Tratatata bum bum. Move, move. Stay low! Tratatata bum bum...well I could do it endlessly but it is not a point. That was THE WORST movie I have ever seen. THE WORST. I think - with the exception of some footage from helicopter - I could do similar movie with my friends somewhere in forests near my place of living. Maybe with stick instead of guns, bunkers instead of cave but at least my movie would have some fun twist.There is nothing funny in watching movie that in fact is showing big boys playing "child-war-game". It supposed to be semi-documentary movie but it failed to be such. Neither it was SyFy nor horror...wait it was horror to watch it.In nutshell if you want to see a movie about nothing, with no mystery, no fun, no special effects (apart of few smoke grenades), no story, no acting, no anything - that is a movie you have to see.
Rick Black I actually wanted to give this a 1.5, but there was no provision for doing so, and I couldn't bring myself, in good conscience, to round UP, so a 1 it is.what to say about a film of this caliber? Well, let's speak of calibers for a moment. The larger the caliber, the more powerful, the more impact the round has. Now, .60 caliber-that is what a mini-gun fires...used by Arnold in Terminator 2, and by Jesse Ventura in Predator, these can cut down a 2' diameter TREE they're so powerful. Then there are the .44 caliber Magnum, ala Dirty Harry, and the only slightly smaller .357 magnum, both capable of " blowing' a mans head CLEAN OFF!" Then, in descending order, you have your .38s, .306s, and finally the pipsqueak of the bunch, the .22, the firepower, if you can call it that, of your typical Derringer. What's my point, you're probably asking yourselves by now. Well, just this: if I were to assign a caliber rating to movies of this general type (Aliens, Sci-fi, etc., .60 caliber would go to, say, TheAvengers. Little argument there! Then, the "Alien" series, .44 magnum; Predator, .357 mag,and so on...... .Seriously, now, what caliber rating does a 'production like "Alien Origins" deserve? A .22? Hardly. I think we may have to drop way, way down into the Cap Gun range for THIS abysmal smeller of a flick. Yes, I know, I took the long way to this conclusion, but I didn't make the 10-line minimum rule for reviews!!!!!!! Just forgot to count 'em, is all!!! In summation: Honestly, the ONLY reason movies like this are made are for TAX SHELTER and WRITE-OFF purposes! Certainly not worth wasting more than 2 hours of my allotted life expectancy on! What was I thinking?! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME VIEWING THIS. (THAT IS my summation!)