Alien 51
Alien 51
R | 01 February 2004 (USA)
Alien 51 Trailers

An alien creature escapes from a research lab at the infamous "Area 51" determined to hunt down its former tormentors.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Vomitron_G I have to hand it to the guys who made this film: they went overboard to try and add some sort of goofy originality to their Z-grade hybrid efforts (a comedy/sci-fi/horroresque thing). Let's say, on a Troma-scale, "Alien 51" would even be a 6/10 movie, probably. It features a lot of loony characters, a freak show, desert settings ('Area 51'-related, obviously), extremely ugly cinematography (SOV), a few sexy-looking bimbos, Heidi Fleiss (ehrr... who's Heidi Fleiss? Anyone?) and an alien that's just a skinny man in a tight blue catsuit with a fake-looking mask... And an alien-baby too. It's just a puppet that doesn't even move... Total badness, pretty much. But at least the filmmakers weren't trying to fool anyone. It really feels like a comedy of some sort, much more than anything else.
Horrorible_Horror_Films Heidi Fliess in this movie gives a performance that takes the taco for the bar-none worst ever acting job ever done in the universe ever! You will be astounded, you will be flabbergasted, you will drool all over yourself from loosing so many brain cells watching her 'act' I simply can't get over it. Also included in this movie is the most completely fake scene of her shooting up heroin ever. Real heroin would have actually made sense for the bad acting. And there is so much padding added to this film! If you have to have meaningless 5 minute shots of people walking away in order to pad the running time of the film, thats a sure fire sign that the film shouldn't be made in the first place!
sportster_16301 This film has no redeeming qualities. All the actors are lackluster as well as the asinine script. The most horror I saw in this film was in the editing. Phoebe Falconer was OK till she opened her mouth. Her screaming fits were truly incomprehensible. Heidi Fleiss's "acting" was reprehensible. The "Alien" was nonsensical. The only really imaginative part in the movie was when the Sheriff?? gets shot in the head and we see blood splattering on the camera lens. Unfortunately, it's a long, tedious wait to that scene so don't bother. I can't find enough negative words for ten lines to trash this movie so I hope they accept it as it is.
B_D There is really no reason to see this movie. I picked it up online for about 5 bucks and decided to watch it with some friends; we're into watching the sort of horrible movie that's pathetically entertaining. Sadly for us, and anyone who should have the misfortune to see this junk, Alien 51 is just bad. I want to stress the fact that it's not entertainingly bad, because often when I see a movie reviewed here as "awful" or "the worst movie ever," I'll get stoked and go rent it, hoping to be able to laugh at it. Alien 51 has very little going for it.The plot revolves around a creature which has escaped from Area 51 and is on the loose in the desert. It might not actually be an alien, but the back story is never fully explained, so I don't know. Cleo, a woman who played some part in the creation of the creature, is brought in to deal with it. She runs into trouble when a traveling freak show has its own designs on the monster. Various scenes of gore ensue.The only good thing about Alien 51 is that the music was actually pretty good. It was poorly arranged, often drowning out the actors or totally inappropriate for the mood of the scene, but the tunes themselves were decent. Everything else was trash. The camera-work is amateurish at best and fails to follow some basic tenets of photography (like not shooting directly into a light source). The editing is confusing. The acting is terrible, but the actors weren't given much to work with - the script is an abomination. Many of the characters are downright annoying. To top it all off, the movie has an ending that is completely nonsensical and entirely unsatisfying. I won't ruin it for you, but if I did, you wouldn't be missing much.The bottom line: don't see this. Alien 51 is dull, poorly done, and not entertaining.